EURALO 2016.03.22 Teleconference AC Chat

EURALO 2016.03.22 Teleconference AC Chat

Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to today's EURALO Monthly Call taking place on Tuesday, 22 March 2016 at 19:00 UTC

  Yesim Nazlar:Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/ZB5KBg

  Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Stefano!

  Oksana Prykhodko:Hello everyone!

  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all

  Wale Bakare:Evening everyone

  Yesim Nazlar:Welcome everyone!

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Action from last call: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EABKBg

  Silvia Vivanco:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EURALO/pages/105536700/EURALO+2016.02.16+Teleconference+Action+Items

  Lianna Galstyan:Good evening all

  sandra hoferichter:Hi all!

  Pedro Veiga:Hi Sandra

  Jimmy Schulz:Hi all

  Pedro Veiga:Hi all

  Silvia Vivanco:Exploring the Public Interest : https://meetings.icann.org/en/marrakech55/schedule/mon-public-interest-remit

  Narine Khachatryan:hello everyone

  Silvia Vivanco:the recordings of the session are already posted

  Jimmy Schulz:wol is muted

  Jimmy Schulz:f

  Jimmy Schulz:yes

  Silvia Vivanco:At-Large Working Group on the Public Interest  wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/atlarge/At-Large+Working+Group+on+the+Public+Interest

  Silvia Vivanco:with the current membership and mission statement

  Heidi Ullrich:Workspace on the At-Large Public Interest WG: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/atlarge/At-Large+Working+Group+on+the+Public+Interest

  Yesim Nazlar:Wolf is unmuted now

  Heidi Ullrich:Mission statement:This WG will discuss issues related to the public interest in the context of ICANN and the manner in which end users are impacted.

  Silvia Vivanco:See Policy advice: https://atlarge.icann.org/policy-summary

  Silvia Vivanco:in our new website

  Christopher Wilkinson:Olivier:  Trust in new gTLDs: most of those concerns should have been appriased by ICANN staff in the initial review of the application and BEFORE the new gTLD was delegated. CW

  Lianna Galstyan:right in the moment you're speaking about Armenia , I've been dropped..

  Silvia Vivanco:Lianna, sorry about that, the recording will be posted inmediately

  Silvia Vivanco:so you can hear what  you missed

  Lianna Galstyan:thank you Silvia

  Wale Bakare:Roberto sent email to me that he has submitted the draft to Alan

  Jordi Iparraguirre:hi just connected.

  Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Jordi!

  Jordi Iparraguirre:hi Yesim!

  Jordi Iparraguirre:lost sound i will reconnect

  Silvia Vivanco:Task Force on ALses engagement: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EURALO/pages/105520696/EURALO+Task+Force+on+At-Large+Structure+ALS+engagement

  Silvia Vivanco:Yes, other RALOs are focusing on re-engaging ALSes

  Wolf Ludwig:@Staff: Roberto Gaetano is missing on this list!

  Silvia Vivanco:@ Wolf, we will add Roberto to the Euralo by-laws review membership

  Yesim Nazlar:@Wolf: Thank you for the heads up!

  Wale Bakare:Hi Wolf, yes Roberto is unavailable today

  Oksana Prykhodko:Yes, I am here

  Silvia Vivanco:Roberto has been added to the By-Laws task force: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EURALO/pages/105520705/Task+Force+on+review+and+revision+of+the+EURALO+By-Laws

  Yesim Nazlar:Thank you Silvia, now being displayed in AC

  Narine Khachatryan:there is a very laud noise in the adobe room

  sandra hoferichter:what is this noise?

  Yesim Nazlar:Now, should be muted

  Silvia Vivanco:@ members of the EURALO task forces, let staff know if you would like to hold a teleconference in the upcoming weeks

  Silvia Vivanco:so you can continue your deliberations

  Yuliya Morenets:Is it possible to have the table which was mentioned by Oksana?

  Yuliya Morenets:If you can Silvia maybe re-send this on the mailing list, I probably missed this, this will help, thanks

  Wale Bakare:@Silvia, i am here on behalf of Jean-Jacques Subrenat and Roberto Gaetano and i will cascade meeting report to them afterwards

  Yuliya Morenets:Btw, I don't see my name in the task force on review...

  Yuliya Morenets:@ Silvia, could u please add my name, as I indicated this a while ago

  Yuliya Morenets:thnka a lot

  Yuliya Morenets:thanks a ot

  Silvia Vivanco:@ Wale thank you for attending this call

  Silvia Vivanco:I will add your name Yuliya

  Yuliya Morenets:@ Silvia, thanks!

  Oksana Prykhodko:@Wolf - any contradiction with my words?

  Wale Bakare:You welcome @ Silvia

  Yesim Nazlar:Thank you Silvia, now displaying the newest version with Yuliya's name added

  Yuliya Morenets:@Yesim& Silvia: :)

  Silvia Vivanco:I am taking notes Olivier

  Yesim Nazlar: See:  https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EURALO/EURALO+Flyer

  Silvia Vivanco:@ all DEADLINE is end of April to receive the final booklet from EURALO

  Alan Greenberg:I volunteered him!

  Yrjö Länsipuro:As far as Helsinki is concerned, the Finnish ALS will help in whatever we can within our resoues

  Wolf Ludwig:There is hardly any "space" left for this at EuroDIG ...

  Jimmy Schulz:Helsinki is fine

  Jimmy Schulz:thx

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks all!

  Oksana Prykhodko:Helsinki!

  Oksana Prykhodko:Wrong positions of Olivier and Wolf on Flyer

  Wale Bakare:Thanks, bye!

  sandra hoferichter:Bye all!

  Jordi Iparraguirre:thanks bye

  Gabriella Schittek:Thanks, bye!

  Pedro Veiga:Bya and thank you

  Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you, bye!

  Silvia Vivanco:Bye all

  Narine Khachatryan:Thank you all and bye