Action Items: 2020-09-16 AFRALO ATLAS III Ambassadors Call
Action Items: 2020-09-16 AFRALO ATLAS III Ambassadors Call
- seun.ojedeji will work with AFRALO leadership to communicate a summary on the next steps to the WG on or before September 24.
- Heidi Ullrich to follow up on the question on $ 100 max reimbursement to cover internet cost for attending virtual events
- Silvia Vivanco to send the 5 more relevant and active ALAC WG's and Seun Seun- completed
- seun.ojedeji will ask Ambassadors to volunteer to participate and report on at least one WG
- Michelle DeSmyter to request the creation of the mailing list "AFRALO O/E taskforce" and subscribe AFRALO leaders and ATLAS III Ambassadors to the list.