Summary Minutes 15 August 2012

Summary Minutes 15 August 2012

NARALO Toronto Events OC call
Summary Minutes and Action Items
Wednesday 15 August 2012 at 2000 UTC

1. Welcome and Roll Call  - Staff (2 mins)

  • Welcome and roll call were held.

2. Review and Adoption of the Agenda - Garth (2 min)

  • The agenda was adopted

3. Discussion of NARALO Toronto Event Activities  - All (30 mins)
a. NARALO RALO Anniversary/Outreach Event

  • GM: The dancers and music (Metis) are available and confirmed.
  • GM: From a sponsorship point of view we have about 9,000-10,000 USD.
  • GM: Afilias has note yet gotten back to me on the speaker, but we should have this info in the next few weeks.
  • GM: Podium, sound system, and catering are being taken care of by ICANN Staff.
  • AI: Glenn to send Gisella the number of performers.
  • DT: I think that the order of the event should be changed so that we acknowledge sponsors, Staff, and volunteers first.
  • HU: Is there any particular order that the speakers should be placed?
  • DT: By donation.
  • Google donated 5k, Afilias 3, and Cira 2
  • The order of the event was rearranged and placed on the wiki - https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110234278/NARALO+Showcase+Event+Toronto
  • HU: It is also suggested that the event be pushed back by 30 minutes as other meetings are going on concurrently.
  • AI: Glenn to let the dancers know that they can view the room the day before if necessary.

3. Discussion of NARALO Toronto Event Activities  - All (30 mins)
b. NARALO General Assembly

  • DT: I don't think we need to make any changes to the GA schedule.
  • HU: Can you please confirm that the NARALO GA item is now closed.
  • The group confirmed that the NARALO GA item is now close.

3. Discussion of NARALO Toronto Event Activities  - All (30 mins)
c. NARALO Capacity Building Meetings

  • GB: Are there any changes to the schedule?
  • DT: All we need to do for these sessions is actually develop an agenda. However, we are unable to do so as we need to know what the Fellows are covering so we do not have duplication
  • ED: I think we need to coordinate with more ICANN Staff.
  • HU: We need to inform the Staff of our activities by mid to late Septemeber.

3. Discussion of NARALO Toronto Event Activities  - All (30 mins)
d. NARALO Table Top Display in ICANN Village

  • GM: We have four hour slots. Hopefully we will have a banner and a video playing on the table top.

3. Discussion of Promotional Items - All/Staff (15 min)
a. Lapel pins

  • HU: There is no design yet for the lap pins.

3. Discussion of Promotional Items - All/Staff (15 min)
c. Invitation postcards

  • AI: Bienvenido and bienvenue are to be added.

4. Planning the Logistics - Update from Staff -  Staff (5 min)
a. Review of NARALO Toronto Events Budget Spreadsheet

  • MA: The spreadsheet has been updated as necessary and we should be perfectly within our budget.

5. Next Steps

  • Meeting was scheduled for next week.