NARALO Showcase Event: Toronto

NARALO Showcase Event: Toronto


Name of Event: An Evening with At-Large: Honoring the RALOs

1. Concept

A  celebration of the historical milestone of the NARALO  Five Year Mark.  Acknowlegement of the 'survivors' on Monday  October 15, 2012 to help galvanize the community and foster interest in participating with NARALO

A  San Franciso  Working Group (WG)  MANDATE  WAS :

  • determine the best date and time and location for the NARALO showcase

  • develop the agenda of the NARALO showcase

    • should there be an overarching theme?

    • who should be invited as the keynote speaker?

    • who will speak at the event?

    • determine the speaking order

    • confirm with ALS representatives who will be present in San Francisco to give a brief presentation of their ALS

  • organize and collect materials from ALL ALSes needed for the showcase (including text for ALS Fact Sheets, posters, brochures etc.)

  • decide how the material will be presented

The Toronto Mandate

  • Celebrate the five years of achievements
  • Honour the founders and the contribution of these individuals
  • Bring together the community
  • Inspirational keynote speech

2. Organizational Team

NARALO  Working Group

Chair: Garth Bruen

Glenn McKnight,  Darlene Thompson, Gordon Chillicott

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond 

ICANN  Staff

Heidi Ullrich


Interested in volunteering?

Please add your name and interest here.

Middle of Aug

NameItemDate and TImeComment
GlennSecure donationsEnd of July

As of July 26, Google $5k and CIra for $2K

As of 26 September, Afilias confirmed for $2,500 (HU)

GlenRoom Booking via Gisella Gruber of ICANNEnd of JulyFollowup with Gisella
GisellaBook CateringMiddle of Aug 
GlennArrange for entertainersMiddle of AugDiscussion with the Ontario Metis for dancers and fiddlers, Traditional music
GisellaSpecifications sent to staff for sound systemJuly 30 
 Secure Keynote speaker July 25, Michael Geist as alternative but fee is too high, rejected

New Design for new 5th ann design for website, print etc

Order of pull up banner

 Order brochures, invitations,certificates  
 Distribution to members blocks of invitation cards-Limited invitesOct 12-14 

3. Logistics


Westin Harbour Castle Room Regatta 

3.2  Keynote Speaker

Option One  Speaker
Michael Geist, Professor of Law, Carelton University
Emailed to Michael on July 26 
Wanted $5K  

Phone  (613) 562-5800 extension 3319

August  23 notes
Afilias  Speaker- Not determined yet,  request sent to Desiree on August 23
CIRA  Speaker- Byron Holland on holidays and no confirmation yet via  Lynne Gravel, PA to Byron-Aug 23
Google Speaker- Not yet determined, request to Sara Falway on August 23

Update on Sept 6
GOOGLE   Patrick Ryan, 
Afilias   Mr. Phillip Grabensee, Chairman
Cira   David Fowler, Director of Marketing and Communications

4. Budget

ItemEstimated CostObservationsCoordination
Entertainment5000Supplied by ICANNStaff
Catering: food, refreshments/wine (1)$7,0000Sponsorship by Google CIRA or AfiliasStaff
 00Button has been selected (see below)Chair
ICANN/NARALO Banner with ALS's logos5000ALSs logos will be included in the presentationChair/Staff
NARALO Flyers00NARALO brochure in EN, FR and ESStaff
Keynote speaker gifts00 Chair/Staff
Keynote Travel and Living00None requiredStaff
New 5th ann designs00Supplied by ICANNStaff





 Need names 


  1.  AFILIAS,for $2,500 
  2.  GOOGLE  $5,000  confirmed 
  3. CIRA   $2,000confirmed  
    Total  $9,500
During ICANN Prague event spoke with the three sponsors and followup needs to be done.

5.  Agenda 

WhatWhoTime (min)Observations
IntroductionsChair of NARALO - Garth Bruen2Welcome, Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Welcome AddressCEO - Fadi Chehadé10The Changing Role of At-Large within ICANN
Honorary SpeakerSteve Crocker5 
Honorary SpeakerSebastien Bachollet5 
SpeakerGoogle- Patrick Ryan10Multi-stakeholders Relations
SpeakerAfilias -Phillipp Grabensee5General remarks
SpeakerCira- David Fowler5The Responsibility of Running a ccTLD
RALO HighlightsALAC Chair - Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond15A short presentation on the milestones of the RALOs and acknowledgement of the individuals who made it happen

MUSIC Performance

Glenn McKnight - Introduction

Metis Association






Dance group and Fiddlers

Wrap-upDarlene Thompson2Thanks everybody for coming, Acknowledgement of Sponsors, staff and volunteers
 Total Time84 mins 


Music from the  Oshawa Metis Association 

MNO Oshawa and Durham Metis Council
Rob Pilon, President
1277 Ritson Road North  Sutie 356 Oshawa  Ontario L1G 8B2
Phone  905 725 1635

The troupe is called the "Olivine Bousquet (Tiedema) Métis Dancers" in honour of our very special Elder
who has done so much to start and sustain the Oshawa and Durham Region Métis Council.

The Olivine Bousquet Métis Dancers started in April 2008, following a four-day workshop at Camp
Samac, Oshawa, with invited Canadian award-winning Métis jigger, Yvonne Chartrand from British

We performed for the first time at our own 2nd Annual Métis Heritage Celebration, in Oshawa, in June

Since the inception, the troupe has traveled around Ontario, Quebec and most recently Saskatchewan, at
the Back to Batoche Métis Festival.

The troupe currently consists of the following dancers:
Auriele D.
Brittney W.
Chontele E.
Ginny G.

Today’s performers include Ginny and Auriele.

Ginny has learned from many talented Métis dancers, including Yvonne Chartrand, Maddy McCallum,
Bev Lambert and Bruce Dumont. In 2009, she began performing with Yvonne Chartrand's Louis Riel
Métis Dancers. She now lives and works in Toronto and facilitates jigging workshops for schools,
communities and organizations. She is a proud citizen of the Métis Nation of Ontario and is involved in
various national and provincial Métis youth initiatives.

Auriele started jigging in 2009. She is currently a third year university student studying Theatre. The
Métis heritage is very unique, rich in culture and fun. She feels very privileged to be able to share the
culture with others and create awareness about the Métis people and their contribution in Canadian

The Olivine Bousquet Métis Dancers have instilled/raised the level of Métis pride in themselves and in
all the Métis who have seen them perform. They are terrific ambassadors of the Métis Nation to everyone
they meet.

Background on Métis and Musical Tradition

The Métis are a unique people as they are a mixture of European (for the most part either
Scottish or French fur traders) and First Nations ancestry. Therefore, many of our traditions
come from those three influences. For instance, the language of the Métis is called Michif, and
this language is a combination of mostly the First Nations Cree language and French. Like
our language, our traditional Métis style fiddling and dancing is also highly influenced by a
mixture of the Scottish, French, and first nation’s music and dance. Métis fiddle music and dance
originally came from the Scottish and French fur traders, who made voyages across Canada,
trading with many first nations communities. Some of the many things they traded were fiddles,
fiddle tunes, and dances. However, Métis and first nation style fiddling and dancing are much
different than the Scottish and French style. This is mainly because of the aboriginals influence
on the music and dance.


6. Sponsors



Confirmation on July 24 of $2,000 donation for sponsorship from Julie Lepine





 Phone    613-760-3307.

  Lynn Gravel,  Manager, Corporate Affairs


Met with  
Sarah Falvey, Policy Analyst,

She confirmed $5K for the event

July 26  confirmaed 


Spoke at ICANN Prague on Sponsorhip and interested
Followup with Desiree Milosavitch, will content on Monday July 9th


No amount yet but aiming for $2,500 similar to the amount of 2500Euros for the Prague event

Confirmed between $2 and $3K  and Darlene did followup emal to Desiree

Email confirmation on for $2,500on Sept  25  to Heidi