AC Chat: 2018-02-01 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement
Ā Evin Erdogdu:Welcome to the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement Call on Thursday, 01 February 2018 from 17:00 UTC - 18:00 UTC.
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu:Agenda:Ā
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):hi all
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:helloĀ Ā evinĀ Ā my phone inĀ Ā LAĀ Ā isĀ Ā 1-310 649 1776
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu:Got it!
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:RoomĀ Ā 1011
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):almost 0400 hereĀ
Ā Ā Ranjit R Nair:Hi All
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu:Hello all! Thank you all for being here.
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):but I have had calls since 0200
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):i empathise with GlennĀ
Ā Ā Siranush Vardanyan:hi all
Ā Ā Maureen H:Hi Siranush
Ā Ā Siranush Vardanyan:thanks
Ā Ā Siranush Vardanyan:hi, Maureen
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):great!
Ā Ā Maureen H:Sounds great Glenn..
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):I look forward to the resultsĀ
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu:Welcome, Heidi!
Ā Ā Isaac Maposa:Hi Everyone
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu:Hello, Isaac!
Ā Ā Isaac Maposa:Am well thanks
Ā Ā Maureen H:@Eduardo... sounds like fun!
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:We are looking for a different title than "Showcase"
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:@Maurren: Yes!
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:@Heidi: agreed. Any ideas so far?
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):indeedĀ
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, would you like staff to create a workspace for the outreach activites - and the booth sign up?Ā
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Perhaps you could have a raffle every day if people put their bus cards inĀ
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:a box..
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu:Welcome, Vanda!
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Great, Glenn!
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:sorry only get connection now...
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:its a good thing to create the Workspace and also we can help at the booth at different timesĀ
Ā Ā Maureen H:Yes their business cards or something that clearly states who they are and their contacts.. a prize is a great reason for this to be legible :)
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:CAn we get a tv/monitor in the booth?
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:and then you can follow up with them ;)
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:thanks ErvinĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:one secĀ Ā ed
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, do you still have the yellow tablecloth from New Orleans?Ā
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:will talk with mario to get some women groups there to contact - thnks to remember that mario is there Heidi
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu:FYI, we will soon be booking ICANN photographer/videographer.
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Great, Evin. Let's get the Decade of NARALO event on the list.Ā
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Great, Eduardo!
Ā Ā Maureen H:@Eduardo.. yes polaroids that can be put up on the board with their names and contact details on the back?
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:will be wedensday? sorry to make questions later on
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:@MAureen: like that!
Ā Ā Ranjit R Nair:If someone can get a large photo frame arranged locally with ICANN logo, more attendees may tend to take pics with it
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:i agree
Ā Ā Maureen H:Yes Ranjit that could be fun.. something that is going to draw them into getting their photo taken for a start!
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:Olivier is stuck in the Eurodig planning session
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu:
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:YesĀ Ā Ranjit we can designĀ Ā large frame photo and a proper backdrop
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:Any idea when is this happening?
Ā Ā Siranush Vardanyan:yes
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:looks great!! we had some join work with Universities here last year , was great
Ā Ā Siranush Vardanyan:I will, Heidi
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:yesĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:SaturdayĀ Ā afternoon?
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Siranush!
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:thanks Gisela
Ā Ā Maureen H:Awesome.. thanks Gisella
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):it clashed badly with other commitments,Ā Ā sadly
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:impossible not toc rash nowadays
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):hopefully avoided as much as possible this timeĀ
Ā Ā Maureen H:@Cheryl.. yes the clashes were unfortunate.. Id like to make the joint session this time
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu:
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:can also thr Hot Topic from AFRALO be included
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:losting sound all the time. in the road....
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu:
Ā Ā Siranush Vardanyan:@Eduardo: do you have the final list of selected students for NASIG?
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:CongratsĀ Ā toĀ Ā Siranush and Deborah
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:who is incharge of NASIG
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Re the Strategies, it might be a good time for the RALOs to review their status as we are now half way through FY18.Ā
Ā Ā Siranush Vardanyan:just to see who is selected from our both groups?
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Its a committeeĀ Ā
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, do you have a workspace/website for the North American School of IG?Ā
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:2017 in brazil -Rio - was great the South School IG - Daneil fink and myself we spoke to the audience about ICANN. very very good attendance.
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:We had over 300 in Washington for SSIG
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):thanks EduardoĀ
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, what is the location?Ā
Ā Ā Maureen H:sounds great Eduardo
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):perhaps G cab ensure it's in our calendarĀ
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:@Cheryl, I've given G an AI
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:In Montreal
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:ICANN Meeting
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:LOcation: Politecnic University in San Juan
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Eduardo.Ā
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Eduardo, when do you expect to update the website with speakers, the agenda, etc?Ā
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:We will place the site on our Featured Activities space on the At-Large website.Ā
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Eduardo. Sounds good. Looking forward to it.Ā
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:Ok
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:Will do!
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:I believe this is a good opportunity for the participants to be reached out toĀ
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:Especially on engagementĀ
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:In eI need a dialoutĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:one sec vanda and Tijani
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu:We are dialing out to you, Daniel. Thanks!
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:I will circle back to TijaniĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Who willĀ Ā speak on AFRALOĀ Ā Daniel orĀ Ā Tijani?
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:VandaĀ Ā can you speak on LACRALO?
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):APRICOT is a vital activity for outreachĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:nice
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:No. The website is located at The coordinating group is using a google repository for all its documentation and have a google group for email discussions. Also , we asre using Zoom to collabarate on-line duriong conference calls
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:I was answering Heidi about the question about the using of a workspace.
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:glen, partially , since Dev is not joinning
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):the package with APAC hub also provides for uniform messagingĀ
Ā Ā Maureen H:@Daniel.. these regional partnerships are so important
Ā Ā Maureen H:@Cheryl very much agree.
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Vanda you are nextĀ
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:ok
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Do we have anyone from EURALO?
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:on adigo?
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:lost connection,Ā Ā seriousĀ Ā problem at my hotel here in LA
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):thx VandaĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:thanksĀ Ā VandaĀ
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:i am loosing connection in the road, but guess you heard my thanks
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:back on now
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):y
Ā Ā Maureen H:@Glenn.. can hear you faintly..Ā
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:yes
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini: Hope you have similar success as our LAC SPACE hasĀ
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:North American SPACE
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:thanks
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:please call my room
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:no call yet
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:connection back...Ā
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:i have a question to Eduardo
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:TijaniĀ Ā you are next
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:Tijani is it a old hand?
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):the APAC Space also benefits from international meeting online,Ā Ā and activities like webinars and briefings with sectorsĀ
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:will do it offline VAnda - Thanks
Ā Ā Maureen H:+1 Cheryl
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:Just to share with you my experience of these 4 years of LAC SPACE , issues and works what not
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:Reminder: AFRALO, APRALO, EURALO and LACRALO still have discretionary funding available for local outreach events in FY18
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:@Vanda: thnaks. I will reach to you.
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:I do not want to re-invent the wheel
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich:See -Ā
Ā Ā Maureen H:Yes Heidi... we want to use ours for some giveaways for APRICOT.. still working on it.Ā
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):bye Ć°ĀĀĀ for now then....
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz:I believe will talk about hot topics next week during the regional call
Ā Ā Ali AlMeshal:by
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:good callĀ
Ā Ā Siranush Vardanyan:bye
Ā Ā Daniel K. Nanghaka:bye
Ā Ā Isaac Maposa:bye
Ā Ā Glenn McKnight:thanksĀ Ā all
Ā Ā Ali AlMeshal:bye all
Ā Ā Vanda Scartezini:kisse to all
Ā Ā Ranjit R Nair:bye