NARALO 2016.04.11 Teleconference AC Chat
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Call held on Monday, 11 April 2016 at 19:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Allan Skuce:Greetings.
Allan Skuce:THanks Terri
Eve Edelson:Hello all
Garth Bruen:Yup
Allan Skuce:All done with CROPP Apps.
Monique:Bonjour !
Alan Greenberg:Typing!
Glenn McKnight:Bonjour Monique and Louis will also be joining
Glenn McKnight:muted
judith hellerstein:HI all
judith hellerstein:Good to see lots of people on the call
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all to the NARALO monthly call
Alan Greenberg:I count at least 19 ALSes. Total is 33 I think, so that is quorum
Terri Agnew:NARALO Elections:
Glenn McKnight:Thanks all
Glenn McKnight:Election, Selection and Appointment
Glenn McKnight:Request to move it from 30th to 29 nomination period.
Glenn McKnight:Its in the chat
judith hellerstein:
Loris Taylor:Can we nominate on this call?
Glenn McKnight:Chair, Secretariat, Alac and Nomcom are open to nominations
Glenn McKnight:@loris we prefer to add your suggestions on the link
Alan Greenberg:Note that NomCom delegate is selected by ALAC and NARALO procedure is to make a recommendation to the ALAC.
Glenn McKnight:noted
Silvia Vivanco:@ Loris, yes and please be so kind to send your nomination to the NARALO mailing list NOMINATION on the subject line
Glenn McKnight:@joly do you have a followup question
Silvia Vivanco:we will edit the wiki, and confirm your nomination
Darlene Thompson:One can still self-nominate, correct?
Silvia Vivanco:so please send to the mailing list
Eduardo Diaz:@Silvia:
Glenn McKnight:we do
Seth Reiss:Can someone type in the proposal that we are voting on?
Silvia Vivanco:yes Darlene you can self-nominate
Eduardo Diaz:@Silvia: I have accepted the nomination and updated the elections page accordingly
Silvia Vivanco:@ Eduardo thank you for your quick reply and editing
Silvia Vivanco:we have 11 check Marks at the moment
Joly MacFie:I just nominated Judith.
Alan Greenberg:For the record, there is a quorum rule for NARALO. It is a simple majority of ALSes. There are currently 33 ALSes in NARALO. Quorum only applies to ALS representatives.
Eve Edelson:I can't seem to check if I want to -- ?
Loris Taylor:No I am trying to agree
Glenn McKnight:ok
Silvia Vivanco:we have 17 check marks
Loris Taylor:Old hand
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Alan
Silvia Vivanco:Please be so kind to send your nominations and self nominations to the NARALO mailing list and we will include your name on the wiki
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Silvia
Glenn McKnight:@silvia as to action items
Glenn McKnight:1. 29 day nomination period
Glenn McKnight:@silvia it looks like the marjority voted in favour of the change from 30 to 29 days
Silvia Vivanco:noted Glenn
Terri Agnew:Action items from Marrakech:
Leah Symekher:yes helpful. thx Judith
Glenn McKnight:a little low Silvia
judith hellerstein:Dana perry is on the call on Adigo
judith hellerstein:welcome dana
Glenn McKnight:@terry add Dana on the attendance list
judith hellerstein:Welcome avri
Glenn McKnight:Welcome Avri and Dana
Garth Bruen:Silvia's sound is very faint, I can hear, but it is low
Glenn McKnight:Mailcard or postcard
Glenn McKnight:she is a better louder
Glenn McKnight:still low
Alan Greenberg:I will be leaving phone bridge. WIll stay on AC and will try to keep an eye on chat.
Silvia Vivanco:Today the AC is being recorded
Terri Agnew:At-Large Structure Decertification Workspace:
Chris Mondini:dropping now - thank you
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Chris for attending
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Chris
Glenn McKnight:@Monique and Louis do we have three members to do the future calls in French
Glenn McKnight:Please let us know
Louis Houle:Yes no problem
Glenn McKnight:Merci
Glenn McKnight:@Tom your next
Joly MacFie:I participated in an event that Tom Lowenhaupt put on on the delegation of neighborhood second level names in ,nyc tld. He has a report at
judith hellerstein:Thanks Leah for a great recap
Tom Lowenhaupt:mic not working
judith hellerstein:If you have a question you can post it in the chat and I can relate it to others
Monique:I would like also to invite everyone in Montréal at the end of august at the OpenLivingLab days, that will happen fort the first time in America - call for papers and workshop are open and early bird inscription
Silvia Vivanco:Excellent events NARALO members please be so kind to share the events in the NARALO mailing list
Terri Agnew:NARALO General Assembly:
Eduardo Diaz:The board is discusiing if ICANN 57 will be in PR this Thursday - See:
DAVID VYORST:I have to leave now. Thanks Glenn and everyone else for a great meeting!
Ron da Silva:not Chicago.. is that what I heard? can't say what is being considered just yet but not Chicago..
Terri Agnew:goodbye David, recordings and transcript will be available on the wiki agenda page:
Eve Edelson:Chicago in November, hmm !
Terri Agnew:Welcome Evan Leibovitch
Evan Leibovitch:g'day, all. sorry for the lateness
Eduardo Diaz:@Joe: Do you knowif the Thursday 14 April Board meeting is open to attend remotely?
Evan Leibovitch:thanks glenn
Joe Catapano:@Eduardo I am not sure, but can find out
judith hellerstein:@evan we just passed via quorum on the meeting that nominations will only be 29 days instead of 30 to align with our may 9 meeting
Eduardo Diaz:@Joe: Send me anote off-list. Thanks
Evan Leibovitch:I had come to the call to address the issue of NARALO doing things by consensus, I guess I'm late for that.
Evan Leibovitch:As NARALO's first chair, doing things by consensus was something that worked very well.
Joly MacFie:I will be streaming the SIPA Digital Futures Conference 4/25
Eduardo Diaz:@Evan: maybe you can get sometime at the end under AOB. I am interested in hearing it.
Evan Leibovitch:Happy to. Buy it looks like the elections ussie is over, happy to address it
Terri Agnew:NARALO Newsletter:
Joly MacFie:Also the Space Apps NYC 4/22-24 which may raise questions of extra terrestrial geographic names :)
Terri Agnew:Garth Bruen has rejoined
judith hellerstein:@evan alan and darlene mentioned that on the call so it is covered
Glenn McKnight:@ garth back to you
Evan Leibovitch:And, Eduardo, you've been around since the beginning, you know about it too.
Eve Edelson:yes
Evan Leibovitch:They mentioned it. Was there a consensus on whether to use consensus?
Glenn McKnight:muted
judith hellerstein:@eduardo glenn said he sent you all the pictures from ssig where many ALSES from NARALO were there
Joly MacFie:Also the Theorizing the Web Conference NYC 4/15-4/16
Glenn McKnight:@ yes we emphasized this issue as well.
Glenn McKnight:@evan we shifted for Alan the election for Alan G
Evan Leibovitch:so...? sould we determine positions by consensus rather than forcing an adversarial election?
Glenn McKnight:All i have a audio recording to share on the discussion with the board on consumer trust
Eve Edelson:interested to hear it
Alan Greenberg:To be clear, the shifting was to place the item a few minutes earlier in the agenda to allow me to get to another (CCWG Acct) meeting)
judith hellerstein:No if there are contested elections we will go with an election. if there is only one we will go with consensus
Eduardo Diaz:Evan: Yes , I was there but things have changed as to the way elections are ran in the past years, specially last year where there were more people interetsed in positions than available positions
Joly MacFie:also The State of the Net Wireless 4/18
John Laprise:Personal Democracy Forum
Glenn McKnight:muted again
Eduardo Diaz:@Judith: I did include the link to the pictures in the newsletter
Glenn McKnight:@john L thanks for the link, Had to rush through to get to Garth.
Joly MacFie:Yes John they haven't asked me to do that thankfully, I nearly had to fill in at the last minute last year but they got it sorted.
Eve Edelson:I may be missing the point -- DNS underlies the results of search engines/QR codes -- you can ignore DNS but it's still there - ?
Glenn McKnight:Evan please wrap up
judith hellerstein:@evan we are short of time so please wrap up
Joly MacFie:I believe that was Van Couvering from M+M who debated PI on the NARALO. He is indeed a member of the public now :)
Garth Bruen:Thanks!
John Laprise:Hey Evan, I wanted to chat with you about your ICT4D work and see if there are any opportunities there.
Loris Taylor:Thank you Garth!
Louis Houle:+1 Garth
Garth Bruen:@Glenn, re: consensus, ALAC voted for our letter on CT to Fadi and the Board
Loris Taylor:I apologize but I have to jump off the call. I have a broadcast network call at 1pmAZ. Great call.
Garth Bruen:BWT: entire network went out where I am working today and I just happened to be the guy in charge of restting it. It was busy 10 minutes for me.
Terri Agnew:At-Large Public Interest Working Group: If you are interested in joining, please either leave a comment on the At-Large Public Interest Working Group Workspace or write to At-Large staff by Friday, 15 April 2016.
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Loris, I appreciate you joining us
judith hellerstein:Can you post a link to this white paper
Terri Agnew:goodbye Loris
Loris Taylor:Thank you Glenn.
Glenn McKnight:Sorry folks on the jammed session.
Glenn McKnight:Lots to cover. I did try to warn everyone
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Silvia
Tom Lowenhaupt:bye
Eve Edelson:Goodbye all
Monique:merci !
Eduardo Diaz:adios
Glenn McKnight:bye
Gordon Chillcott:Thanks and bye for now
Silvia Vivanco:
Silvia Vivanco:wiki page on the public interest