NARALO 2016.04.11 Teleconference

NARALO 2016.04.11 Teleconference

NARALO Monthly Teleconference 

Date: Monday, 11 April 2016

Time: 19:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)  

How can I participate in this meeting? 1(800)550-6865, Teleconference ID: 1638

Adobe Connect Link: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/naralo/

(If you have never attended a Connect Pro meeting before: Test your connection and get a quick overview)

Attendees:  Yubelkys Montalvo, Allan Skuce, Gordon Chillcott, Glenn McKnight, Garth Bruen, Louis Houle, Eve Edelson, Alan Greenberg, Alfredo Calderon, Monique Chartrand, John Laprise, David Vyourst, Howard Deane, Eduardo Diaz, Ron da Silva, Darlene Thompson, Garth Graham, Judith Hellerstein, Leah Symekher, Joly MacFie, Loris Taylor, Seth Reiss, Tom Lowenhaupt, Tim Denton, Dana Perry, Avri Doria, Evan Leibovitch

Apologies: none

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Joe Catapano, Chris Mondini, Terri Agnew

Call management: Terri Agnew

Summary Minutes:    

Action Items: EN

Transcript:   EN   

Chat: EN             

Recording: EN

Adobe Connect Recording: EN


1. Welcome and Roll call (2 minutes)

2.  NARALO  Elections (15 minutes) -   Judith

3.  Action Items from  Marrakesh meeting  and Report on meeting with Chris Mondini - Staff (10 minutes) -Silvia

     3.1) Adobe Connect Calls need to be saved and Calls from Jan 2016 to now need to be found and posted on our wiki

     3.2 ) Issues with Decertification of NARALO ALSes

     3.3) When can we start submitting CROPP Requests for FY'17 so people can attend CROPP events in July 2017

4.  Announcements and  Community Activities from the Membership (5 minutes)
        Leah  and  Internet of Things at  ISOC SF Bay 

5.  NARALO General Assembly 2016  (5 Minutes) Glenn

6. NARALO CROPP FY 16 and CROPP FY 17 (15 minutes)

7. CROPP FY 16 Reports

  • NTEN -Non Profit Technology Conference -Glenn

  • OAS  South School of Internet Governance - Security Conference Alfredo Calderone

    • Out of region next year
  • GLOBE conference,  Le Marie Thompson (March 2) 

  • M-Enabling Summit, Glenn McKnight (June)
    • Focus on Accessibility
  • Personal Democracy-John Laprise (June)

8. Cropp FY 17 Starts July 1, 2016.  8 weeks still needed for processing requests.

  • IGF USA-July 2016

  • Thomas Lowenhaupt  November

9. Update on Consumer Trust- Garth Bruen

10. NARALO Newsletter Eduardo Diaz ( 2 Minutes)

11. Request for  Volunteers Working Group and Policy People- Vacancies  (4 Minutes)

     New  NARALO  Mailcard Committee- Need chair and volunteers- 

12  Community/ ALAC CCWG  Morocco Results  – (5 minutes) Garth Bruen or Tim Denton

13.  Review of Current ALAC Public Consultations - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)

    1. Statements approved by the ALAC
      • None
    2. Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
    3. Statements that seem to be stalled:
      • None 
    4. Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements: 
    5. New Public Comment requests requiring decision:
      • None

14. Any Other Business  (5 Minutes)

15 . Adjournment