ICANN 55 ALAC and At-Large Action Items 05-10 March Workspace
ICANN 55 ALAC and At-Large Action Items 05-10 March Workspace
Saturday, 04 March
ALT Meeting
- ROPs need to be corrected for Board Director Selection process before the end of the year
- Add to Next ALAC Agenda: Sensitive TLDs, accountability and future rounds
Sunday 05 March
At-Large Review Working Party
- holly.raiche to coordinate with Staff to issue a call for membership/reconfirmation of members of the At-Large Review Working Party
- By ICANN56, the WP members to discuss and decide who should be interviewed and what document should be examined.
Sunday 06, March
Strategy Meeting Part 1
- Heidi Ullrich to invite Rinalia Abdul Rahim to next telephonic ALAC meeting
Monday 08 March
NARALO meeting
- Glenn McKnight to talk to Dev and Robert Hoggarth about how to avoid missing opportunities for July and August CROPP funding due to the ICANN FY cycles.
- garth.bruen to follow up with [Ken Herreisteein] to invite him as speaker at the General Assembly as the inspirational speaker.
- garth.bruen to start planning for the NARALO General Assembly.
- NARALO Elections 2016 to be organized. Glenn McKnight to coordinate with Silvia Vivanco to announce elections.
- Glenn McKnight and Judith Hellerstein to speak with Chris Mondini on CROPP July – August and ARIN.
Tuesday 08 March
- The ALT to review the transcript/recording of the ALAC-GAC joint meeting and put together a white paper that answers GAC questions with regard to how the ALAC solicits regional policy advice and others. The response is to include the graph on the policy process prepared by the ALAC Improvements sub-group.
- The ALAC is to convene a teleconference to review the White Paper on General Assemblies and Summits ASAP post Marrakesh.
Cross Community Committee -Accessibility
- Laura Bengford to explore possibility of opening up JIRA for the public to report accessibility issues on icann.org/atlarge.icann.org and show the progress of how issues are tackled
- Chris Gift’s team to raise accessibility awareness among registries, registrars, and other stakeholder groups
- RALO chairs to submit request for captioning during RALO calls in April (check with Glenn)
Wednesday 10 March
- Tijani BEN JEMAA to follow up with the NGOs via email to continue collaborating with AFRALO and ICANN. -
- Heidi Ullrich and Gisella Gruber to contact Tijani BEN JEMAA to work on a report from NGOs participation in the meeting.
At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting
- humberto.carrasco and Siranush Vardanyan to work with staff with regards to the ALS survey.
Capacity Building WG
- Silvia Vivanco to invite Elizabeth Andrews to the March APRALO capacity building webinar which will be captioned live.
- Gisella Gruber to organize a teleconference with Elizabeth Andrews and the Capacity Building WG.
Elizabeth Andrews requested the Working Group Chair Tijani BEN JEMAA to provide the following: a) the Priorities for backlog , b) Schedule of upcoming webinar and 3) a point of contact for each individual topic
ALAC and ICANN Board meeting
- David Olive to follow up with the AC/SO chairs re the call next week with some members of the Board on PICs
, multiple selections available,