AC Chat: 2019-05-21 EURALO Monthly Teleconference

AC Chat: 2019-05-21 EURALO Monthly Teleconference

10:39:27          From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the EURALO Monthly Teleconference

10:59:40          From silvia.vivanco : Hello all welcome to the call

10:59:46          From silvia.vivanco : We are still gathering

10:59:51          From silvia.vivanco : thank you all for your patience

11:05:09          From silvia.vivanco : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EURALO/pages/105537521/Action+Items+2019-04-16+EURALO+Monthly+Teleconference

11:09:16          From silvia.vivanco : AI: Matthias to report on IGF 2019 Planning to be discussed at the next ALAC O/E call

11:09:35          From Leon Felipe Sanchez : Hello everyone

11:09:44          From silvia.vivanco : Welcome Leon

11:09:47          From Leon Felipe Sanchez : my apologies for joining late. I had the wrong link for the meeting room

11:09:51          From Leon Felipe Sanchez : thanks Silvia

11:15:36          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @Leon - welcome and congratulations on being able to find the right link. :-)

11:17:41          From silvia.vivanco : Hot topics : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vvZoMJL2AcG2bK5vp-bxi6gr3uE8OJULdtpA3WbL32s/edit

11:19:00          From Lianna Galstyan : great idea

11:20:04          From silvia.vivanco : AI: Document hot topics will be spilt in 2 sections, with Outreach and Engagement in a separate document for input to the EURALO ALS Engagement group

11:22:00          From silvia.vivanco : The EURALO Hot topics document when final to be sent to Joanna and Jonathan as EURALO input for the ALAC Hot topics work

11:22:33          From Claudia Ruiz : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EURALO/pages/105529101/2019-05-21+EURALO+Monthly+Teleconference

11:24:43          From silvia.vivanco : Was that a Swiss law requirement?

11:28:18          From Yrjo Lansipuro : doesn’t make sense - pls delete

11:29:00          From silvia.vivanco : EURALO By-Laws taks force members to review and delete clause

11:30:01          From Glenn : Hi

11:30:50          From Glenn : As per the  Social Media call today we are going to set up a shared Google doc to create the  curated(Rappatuer) summaries of the  Marrakesh meeting

11:31:25          From silvia.vivanco : Olivier to send the last version of the EURALO By-Laws document to Silvia, who will send it to ICANN legal for review for consistency with ICANN By-Laws

11:39:06          From Glenn : We did an interview with Michael Casavevail on DNS over HTTPS as a video recently

11:39:39          From Glenn : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHeYfhcpf4QQapmbiqkHZEP6BVmq0jVmz

11:40:35          From Oksana Prykhodko : Sorry, I have problems with zoom. Did I understand in right way that we will vote today?

11:41:06          From Oksana Prykhodko : great, thank you!

11:41:41          From Claudia Ruiz : @Oksana - we will not vote today.

11:44:41          From silvia.vivanco : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/projfinadhocws/pages/106631257/FY20+SO+AC+Additional+Budget+Request+Decisions

11:46:01          From silvia.vivanco : FY20 ABR Report above

11:48:42          From Glenn : Shared slideshow for DNS and Security

11:48:43          From Glenn : https://www.slideshare.net/gmcknight/dns-over-https-by-michael-casadevall?qid=90419206-1bb5-4281-ab24-8cb44ba151af&v=&b=&from_search=1

11:51:40          From Glenn : The Policy Workshop proposal wasn't ALAC but myself

11:52:24          From Glenn : Lots of rejections....

11:55:07          From silvia.vivanco : Matthias Expression of interest : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99621001/2019+EURALO+Regional+Selections

11:58:40          From silvia.vivanco : EURALO Election wiki with all the details : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99621001/2019+EURALO+Regional+Selections

12:00:59          From silvia.vivanco : Sebastian’s EOI: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99621001/2019+EURALO+Regional+Selections?preview=/108331789/111379095/Sebastien%20Bachollet.docx

12:02:39          From Sandra Hoferichter : It is actually a pity that only a small number of EURALO members are contributing to the sessions at EuroDIG.

12:04:09          From Sandra Hoferichter : EURALO is institutional Partner to EuroDIG but only 2 people are really engaged.

12:04:50          From silvia.vivanco : Wale’s EOI: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99621001/2019+EURALO+Regional+Selections?preview=/108331789/111379055/Wale%20Bakare%20Statement.pdf

12:12:51          From silvia.vivanco : Natalia’s EOI: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99621001/2019+EURALO+Regional+Selections?preview=/108331789/111379056/Natalia%20Filina.pdf

12:14:31          From Maureen Hilyard : a Guidebook for Beginners would be a very welcome addition to the at-Large Capacity Building Library. 

12:17:48          From Roberto : Natalia is working on it

12:18:07          From Wale Bakare : Thank you, Natalia

12:19:31          From silvia.vivanco : Erich’s EOI: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99621001/2019+EURALO+Regional+Selections?preview=/108331789/111379057/Erich%20Schweighofer%20statement%20.pdf

12:22:04          From silvia.vivanco : Thank you to all the candidates for your presentations

12:22:25          From Glenn : Great candidates all

12:22:39          From Glenn : FYI  launch of the new  Internet Governance Hub  Blog 

12:22:39          From Glenn : https://internetgovernancehub.blog/

12:22:53          From Filina Natalia : thank you for the opportunity to be and to work with you

12:23:04          From Glenn : This is a wider news collated service beyond ICANN

12:23:39          From silvia.vivanco : AI:Olivier to send a note to membership to confirm or express objections to the confirmation of uncontested positions

12:23:45          From silvia.vivanco : For 3 days

12:24:22          From silvia.vivanco : Staff to organize a vote for the EURALO secretariat position

12:25:40          From silvia.vivanco : Thank you to all the candidates !

12:28:23          From silvia.vivanco : Elections to start May 23 - please check your inboxes

12:28:37          From silvia.vivanco : and make sure you are on the look out for the vote credentials

12:28:44          From Heidi Ullrich : Congratulations on those who have won by acclamation!

12:29:01          From Leon Felipe Sanchez : Congratulations to the uncontested candidates!

12:29:04          From silvia.vivanco : Yes Olivier we will be coordinating with you!

12:30:12          From Steinar Grøtterød : I had a hard time finding the URL for the Zoom conference (thanks to Sebastien for assistance). Where is it normally published?

12:30:27          From gisella.gruber : 18 June

12:30:31          From gisella.gruber : If you wish to proceed

12:30:32          From Roberto : See some at EuroDIG before Marrakesh!

12:30:55          From gisella.gruber : @Olivier - we can work on this to possibly hold on 11 June instead

12:31:05          From gisella.gruber : @Olivier - noted 11 June

12:31:17          From Roberto : At EuroDIG we will have the AGM of the Individual Users Association

12:31:24          From Filina Natalia : Thank you!

12:31:29          From Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet : bye

12:31:29          From Erich Schweighofer : Bye.

12:31:29          From Maureen Hilyard : Thanks everyone - especially the candidates!