ATLAS II Action Item 015

ATLAS II Action Item 015


Sponsorship updates

Open Date: 


Closed Date:



(05/06/14): No additional changes from the three main sponsors that we’ve had – that sponsored lunch, the sponsored dinner, and the general sponsor for the At‐Large Summit [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 21]  [Reference Meeting Page ]. Item Completed.

(29/05/14): There  has  been  no  additional  changes since the last sponsorship update.[Chat]  [Recording]  [Transcript Page 31] [Reference Meeting Page

(22/05/14): The sponsorship hasn’t really changed very much.   Basically, one of the things that have changed is that Olivier has gotten a response from the EURid, .eu people, that he asked for money, and they are already sponsoring the ICANN Meeting itself, so they’re not able to sponsor us separately.  Microsoft is a no as well, because again they’re sponsoring the wider ICANN meeting. .London might be interested.[Chat]  [Recording]  [Transcript Pag #23-24] [Reference Meeting Page

(15/05/14):  Afilias: Saturday dinner, PIR: Sunday lunch & Google: as required, Verisign: waiting for decision, Nominet: waiting for feedback, Microsoft: Overall ICANN. Need to check if ICANN can allocate some of the money to ATLAS II, Facebook: no answer [Chat]  [Recording:1:12:00]  [Reference Meeting Page] 

(02/05/14): Please check transcript for particular details.  [Chat]  [Transcript - Pg.34-36]  [Reference Meeting Page]

(30/04/14): Update sent to Mailing List. Some Sponsors secured but with continues to look for more. [ message ].

(17/04/14): As we speak, following up with everyone, and making sure we will have more than enough for all of the things that we wish to do, if of course, you have any other contacts or suggestions as to other organisations we can get in touch with, please let Olivier know and we can talk to them.  It’s better to have more than not enough. Please refer to the transcript for more details. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg. 25-30] [Reference Meeting Page] 

(26/03/14 @ Singapore): Google pledged $10K: No specific allocation, Afilias: Interested and working out details, PRI: Interested working out details, Microsoft: new in ICANN. studying proposal, Verisign: studying proposal, ICANN: $20K mostly to support part of the Saturday dinner event, Nominate: may not be available since they are sponsoring other venues. Others: Please contact Olivier, Staff or anyone in the ATLAS II OC group if you have any contacts. [Audio Recording ~ 02:31]

(17/03/14): No movement yet on the sponsors since last week  [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.22] [Reference Meeting Page]

(06/03/14): Afilias will send a counterproposal. Found the numebrs to be to high. Other have not responded to our requests with the exception of Microsoft who is moving it up the hierarchy in the company.  [Meeting Recording ~35:00] [Reference Meeting Page] 

Afilias Feedback is that the numbers are a little high. They will return to us with a counter-proposal shortly. Microsoft: request has been passed up the hierarchy to the people in charge of sponsorships.

(20/02/14): Proposals have been sent to  Microsoft, Facebook, Public Internet Registry (PIR), Afilias, and to Google. In the pipe, Walt Disney and ISOC. [Transcript Page:22]  [Reference Meeting Page] 

(06/02/14): The documents for the sponsors is all ready to go. Waiting but have not been shared with any of the sponsors yet because there was a question mark on the actual numbers that were required, the size of the funding needed for a lunch or for a dinner. There  are  questions  at  the  moment  as  to  whether  it  would  be  a sponsorship or whether it would be a donation, and there are small differences between the two. A donation provides no ability for the sponsor to blatantly have their logo on all of the documentation  which is associated  with the  event,  whereas a sponsorship does. The rules are slightly different, and there’s some discussion going on around that. Some of the target sponsors are: Facebook, Google, Afilias and PIR. Please refer to transcript for more details about this item. [Transcript page 19-21] [Reference Meeting Page] 

(23/01/14): Olivier Crépin-Leblond  going after 15K US dollars  for a lunch activity, 30K US dollars for an evening dinner and 50K for the showcase (celebration) activity. There is a disagreement with the meetings team with regards to the numbers. The meetings team thinks that it’s actually going to be more expensive, and we need to ask for more, but haven't been able to get feedback from them for several weeks now. PRI was mentioned as a possible sponsor for a Welcome Cocktail activity [Transcript Page 11-15 Reference page]

(13/01/14): Opened today. Sponsor's draft letter almost done. Have contacted Google, Afilias (met with them already) and Nominet. OC needs everyone to contact him or staff regarding potential sponsors. Sponsors are sought for the showcase, lunch and dinner activities. [Recording (47:00) - Reference page]