ATLAS II Action Item 022
Description: | Coordinate the ATLAS II Event Agenda |
Open Date: | 18/02/14 |
Closed Date: |
(05/06/14): We now have the full agenda, and we now have the full agendas for Monday through Friday, and we're just waiting for a few more on Saturday and Sunday. This AI has been completed. [Chat] [Recording] [Transcript - Page 4] [Reference Meeting Page ]
(29/05/14): Heidi Ullrich reported: ATLAS II event agenda, in terms of the wiki page individual day, that has been completed [Chat] [Recording] [Transcript Page 22] [Reference Meeting Page]
(22/05/14): Item was not directly discussed during this meeting. However there was a long discussion of the Thematic sessions. Please refer to transcript/recording for details. [Chat] [Recording] [Transcript] [Reference Meeting Page]
(15/05/14): Schedule was reviewed and fine tuned. Multi-stakeholder slot on Monday will be given to holly.raiche and Carlton Samuels to fully coordinate. wolf.ludwig volunteer to coordinate the Thematic Sessions event and its individual agendas [Chat] [Recording:45:00] [Reference Meeting Page]
(15/05/14): [Chat] [Recording] [Reference Meeting Page]
(02/05/14): Abstracts for the Survey are almost ready. Thursday schedule may change due to IANA/Public forum meeting changes. See particular details in the transcript. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.20-28] [Reference Meeting Page]
(17/04/14): Room with ccNSO may no be big enough for everyone, GAC meeting is not confirmed yet. Need to get the new survey out to finally coordinate the thematic group break out rooms [Chat] [Transcript - Pg. 12-16] [Reference Meeting Page]
(26/03/14 @ Singapore): Rooms for the various events and break out session were assigned and discussed. Please check room details here. [Audio Recording ~ 11:40]
(17/03/14): No report given. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.11-12] [Reference Meeting Page]
(06/0314): Waiting for the survey results for the thematic sessions. Rooms for the thematic sessions have not been allocated yet. Capacity building program is being form . Staff helping in getting trainers. [Meeting Recording ~22:00] [Reference Meeting Page]
(20/02/14): Nothing to report. [Transcript Page: 19] [Reference Meeting Page]
(18/02/14): Opened today.