APRALO Summary Minutes 22.05.2012
AGENDA: 22 May 2012
1. Roll call
2. Review of action items
3. ICANN policy issues: Open public consultations
4. Update on Vice Chair Elections (Charles)
5. New GTLD Working Group update
6. Report from APRALO Chair and ALAC
7. Any other business
1. Roll call
1.) On going items: trying to reach out to more people to represent us in various working groups in At-Large. On Going
2) Attempt to move the meeting to another day. Charles and Pavan will work with staff to identify a suitable time to change the time.
3) ICANN Policy Issues
Holly: Will provide an update on the items we are working o.
1) Policy Review Team
2) Proxy server issue
3) Survey
4) Whois related issues
Looking at the metrics, we are looking at Performance management.
Security and Stability.
▪ ICANN draft FY30 Operating Plan and Budget
APRALO FY13-001: Workshop and APRALO Mini-General Assembly at Regional Internet Governance Forums in Asia, Australia and Pacific FY13-002 : Workshop at IGF 2012 at Baku, Azerbaijan
For APRALO there are several items to be funded. They got successfully funded for the workshop in Azerbaijan. We need to make a decision to work on a mini general Assembly in July. CLO suggested to coordinate with AFRALO input for Azerbaijan, it is a good thing to do from the IGF perspective.
Charles: For the July Asia-Pacific IGF, we have several people who could assist organizing. Edmon and Pavan to check on the status of the financial support, whether some people can get financial support to get over there.
Charles and Edmon will put something together and see how many people can get support.
IGF in Azerbaijan, working together with AFRALO. Charles will get in touch with Tijani and see what can be worked out in order to beef up some of the programs and send some people over there.
Depending on the proposals approved, APRALO will see what can be done to have a good presence in Azerbaijan. Siva offered to join the efforts.
YJ Park: Commented on the meeting in Tokyo.
Charles will put her on the loop when the discussion goes online.
Azerbaijan could be fit it into the proposals made by other countries.
AI: Charles will send some emails to work on the events.
4. Update on Vice Chair Elections (Charles)
There was one nomination for Fouad, who will continue to be the Vice Chair. We can conclude he is elected for another term as Vice Chair.
5. New gTLD Review Working Group:
COI was sent by Fouad and by Kenny Huang.