NARALO Toronto Organizing Committee 25.07.2012 AC Chat Transcript
Eduardo Diaz:Hla everyone
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome!
Darlene Thompson:Hi all!
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Glenn McKnight:Calling in now
Eduardo Diaz:Great!!
Heidi Ullrich:Request:
Heidi Ullrich:GA, 4 outreach sessions,
Heidi Ullrich:sorry, not outreach sessions, capacity building sessions
Heidi Ullrich:4a: RALO outreach event:
Eduardo Diaz:@Glen: How much do you think the activity will cost?
Heidi Ullrich:Current time scheduled for outreach event: Time 18:00-19:30
Heidi Ullrich:Monday evening
Eduardo Diaz:We invited everyone interested.
Glenn McKnight:I would suggest we recruit people who would be possible ALS's
Glenn McKnight:A suggestion was Michael Geist
Darlene Thompson:I would like to try to draw people in but also have the other RALOs
Darlene Thompson:I like the idea of Michael Geist
Heidi Ullrich:What would be the topic he be asked to discuss?
Heidi Ullrich:could he be the keynote speaker but addressing the 5 year anniversary?
Heidi Ullrich:And then have a few other RALO leaders?
garth bruen:+1 on Michael Geist
garth bruen:Glenn, within NARALO or any RALO?
garth bruen:Perhaps ask the other RALO chairs to introduce themselves briefly
Heidi Ullrich:The session is curently scheduled for 90 minutes
Gordon Chillcott:Agree with Darlene.
Heidi Ullrich:Staff have certificates. We could prepare those at very little cost.
Glenn McKnight:Five years service is one measurement
garth bruen:Sure, since San juan?
Eduardo Diaz:Staff helped a lot when putting together SF workshop
Darlene Thompson:Yes - that's the best time
Glenn McKnight:Yes these times and dates
Glenn McKnight:125 is a good number
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks very much, Glenn!
Eduardo Diaz:Garth we are waiting for you
Glenn McKnight:Sorry folks I am on a cordless and the receptioin is really poor.
Eduardo Diaz:I think this is the first one, Am I rigth?
Eduardo Diaz:for us
Eduardo Diaz:That was the summit
Gordon Chillcott:I like Garth's suggestion for a main topic.
Darlene Thompson:I REALLY like Heidi's idea for doing the first hour with the fellows
Eduardo Diaz:an outreach
Darlene Thompson:Yeah, that would be best to do on-line
Heidi Ullrich:Capacity building session workspace:
Darlene Thompson:Give them time to think
Glenn McKnight:Yes
Gordon Chillcott:I'll go along wiht it, as well - working with the Fellows, that is.
Eduardo Diaz:@Darleene +1
Evan Leibovitch:sorry. called away
Glenn McKnight:I am close by GO TRAIN From Oshawa to Toronto .
Eduardo Diaz:Super *?
Eduardo Diaz:Super 8
Evan Leibovitch:
Glenn McKnight:Lots of places on Church street
Evan Leibovitch:oops
Evan Leibovitch:
Eduardo Diaz:Sounds douable
Glenn McKnight:Matt where is the PDF chart?
Matt Ashtiani:
Darlene Thompson:And Ganesh's slot
Glenn McKnight:I don;t think I have a slot from Naralo,
Matt Ashtiani:you can download a copy of the excel sheet via that dropbox link
Evan Leibovitch:The super8 is $110
garth bruen:@evan can or us?
Eduardo Diaz:Great table Matt
Evan Leibovitch:@garth... CAD ... but they're near par anyway
Glenn McKnight:still loading
Eduardo Diaz:From Puerto Rico is about $320
Heidi Ullrich:@Garth - US $
Evan Leibovitch:westjet is Canada's jetblue/southwest
Eduardo Diaz:When is the deadline for the booking?
Heidi Ullrich:Eduardo, I believe it is end of August or early September. However, I think it would be good to have the NARALO ALS reps book earlier.
Evan Leibovitch:sorry.
Evan Leibovitch:also ... in the mail you may want to note the niagara trip, but that (the trip and extra hotel) is at the attendee's expense. It woiuld be nice if some ALS people cold come for the social aspect
Eduardo Diaz:@Heidi - Thks
Evan Leibovitch:Alan is already funded
Evan Leibovitch:Note: for ISOC NY ... I believe Joly has problems with internationmal travel. If he is unable to go Avri could represent the ALS
Evan Leibovitch:Joly did not attend SF
Eduardo Diaz:He can always take the train
Evan Leibovitch:@eduardo... I don't think the problem is fear of flying
Eduardo Diaz:Oh..ok.
Glenn McKnight:My phone connection is terrible I am going to try cell
Eduardo Diaz:@Darlene: The main problem is timing for the bookings
Evan Leibovitch:Every ALS should be given the option to send one person. Who that is, should be up to them
Eduardo Diaz:End of August?
Heidi Ullrich:I think we need to wait until after the NARALO elections
Heidi Ullrich:so we know who is being funded through the At-Large travel support
Eduardo Diaz:So he bikes in NY?
Eduardo Diaz:
Matt Ashtiani:joseph has confired a drop dead date, as of right now, of auugust 31
Matt Ashtiani:*confirmed
Glenn McKnight:My question is the rocess of application for travel grant for the ALS
Glenn McKnight:Do we have a form to complete?
Glenn McKnight:My travel grant is for the end of the event for NARALO
Matt Ashtiani:I would assume so. If you have previously had funding you will probably be asked to confirm the information on file.
Eduardo Diaz:@Glenn: They have to fill-out a travel request form like any of us
Glenn McKnight:I have not been funded by Naralo
Matt Ashtiani:i would expect that if you have previously had funding from icann that the form will be mostly pre-filled
Heidi Ullrich:most reps were in Mexico - except I believe the Colorado ALS.
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Glenn McKnight:I will check with Joette what days are covered by NOMCOM I don;t expect to be paid twice
Darlene Thompson:A week would be great
Gordon Chillcott:Same day next week?
Heidi Ullrich:Would Wed at the same time be ok for everyone?
Evan Leibovitch:next week OK with me
Eduardo Diaz:No problem with me. Next week same day and hour
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Heidi Ullrich:Perfect, Eduardo
Glenn McKnight:No objection
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks everyone!