23 May 2010 J. Karklins Message on RT calls

23 May 2010 J. Karklins Message on RT calls

Message from Janis Karklins sent 23 April 2010:

Dear colleagues

Two Affirmation-mandated reviews are to start on October 1st, namely
the ‘Whois policy’; and ‘Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS’.
The lesson we learned from the ‘Accountability and Transparency’
experience is that the process leading to the establishment of a
Review Team can be quite time-consuming. Hence my suggestion would be
to start the preliminary activities for these upcoming reviews quite soon.
Based on our experience I would like to suggest the following sequence:

· Chairs consult their respective AC/SO on the size and
composition of the both RTs – next 3 weeks.

· After agreement among Chairs on the issue above, the call for
nominations is renewed and each AC/SO would endorse 2-3 time more
candidates that agreed above – mid May – 20 June.

· Selectors make selection and announce composition of the both
RTs at the end of the Brussels meeting.

Would this sequence be acceptable? Pls provide your comments at your
earliest convenience.

Best regards

PS. The proposal has not been agreed yet by both Selectors. These are
just my personal ideas. JK

Message from J. Karklins sent 15 May 2010

Thanks for your input, colleagues.

I understand that GNSO is developing internal procedure and it may be adopted in June.

In that case we should opt to launch recruitment by end of July which would include endorsement of the volunteers by the respective AC/SO. Selectors would do their job during the months of August and the Teams would start preparations for their activities in September.

The experience of A&T RT shows that the lead time to the first f2f meeting is about 45 days.

I would like to indicate that during the last GAC conference call the view was expressed that the straw poll suggestions on the size of the teams would be too low. The experience of the A&T RT shows that the team of the size of dozen is functional. Budget concerns are not relevant because majority of the team members are covering their participation by themselves.

Would be interested in your feedback on the size and composition of the RTs.

Best regards