Community Forum Sessions

Community Forum Sessions


At-Large Sessions

Welcome & Wrap Up 

Strategic Priorities - Metrics

At-Large Policy Discussion (ASP Presentation)

At-Large Operations and Governance Discussions 

At-Large Leadership with NPOC (we have a session with NCSG in Seattle)

At-Large Working Session on Grants Program

At-Large with Fellows 

At-Large Plenaries

At-Large Plenary Session 1: Internet Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals (Pari)

At-Large Plenary Session 2: Building Trust on the Internet through Registrant Verification (Michael Palage)

RALO Meetings 

RALO Coordination Meeting (with 5x RVPs)

Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting

NARALO Town Hall 

NARALO Round Table  "DNS and Domain Abuse in the Digital Economy"  (At-Large Plenary hosted by NARALO)



ALAC & Board

ALAC & SSAC (waiting on time confirmation)


ALAC & PSWG F2F (following up with GAC if to be scheduled F2F or before ICANN82)