At-Large Questions for ICANN82

At-Large Questions for ICANN82


ALAC Issues to be raised with the Board (Proposed)

  • Does the Board remain committed to replacing organizational reviews with a continuous improvement program? A series of events have created roadblocks and delays in this process and the ALAC would like to see it back on the rails. (Shepherd: Cheryl Langdon-Orr) 

  • Similarly, the Pilot Holistic Review seems plagued by inaction and delays, further pushing out the actual Holistic Review, recommended by the ATRT3. The ALAC asks whether the Board could consider reverting to the original timeline of 18 months for the PHR. (Shepherd: Sebastien Bachollet)

  • Would the Board consider using any evolution of the Operating Standards for Specific Reviews (OSSR) as a test or pilot by ATRT4 and *then* after a proper evaluation, considered by Public Commentary and possibly embedded in a new OSSR? (Jonathan Zuck)

  • Could some thought be put into the better utilization of volunteer time though scheduling of Requests for Public Requests and other measures? (Claire Craig)

Board Questions to be raised with the ALAC (Final)

  • What are the next steps for the ALAC with regard to the CIP? (Shepherds: Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Bukola Oronti)

  • What does the ALAC think most needs to happen now that the development of the CIP Framework is reaching completion? (Shepherds: Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Bukola Oronti) 


ICANN Board Engagement Session at ICANN82 

Topic 1:  Advancing the Global Public Interest at ICANN - At-Large Lead: Avri Doria (with back-up from Justine)

  • Led by Becky Burr and Chris Buckridge

  • Format of the engagement: discussion and input

  • Description: This session will provide an overview of ICANN's ongoing efforts to understand and address the global public interest (GPI). Participants will learn about key tools, such as the GPI Framework and Checklist, developed in consultation with the community to help identify and address GPI considerations in ICANN's work. During the session, attendees will be invited to provide feedback on the checklist, explore ways to improve it, and discuss how it can support ICANN's bottom-up, community-driven processes.


Topic 2: Updating ICP-2 - At-Large Lead: Claire Craig (with back-up from the ALAC members of the ICP-2 group: Sandra Rodriguez, Claire Craig, Ron da Silva, Sebastien Bachollet, Judith Hellerstein, Pari Esfandiari, Vanda Scartezini, Cheryl Langdon-Orr)

  • Led by Christian Kaufmann and Alan Barrett

  • Format of the engagement: discussion and comments

  • Description: This session is intended to gather community inputs to inform ICANN's continued engagement in the development of the updated ICP-2 document currently under discussion, and encourage ICANN community awareness and participation in the process. 


ALAC Issues to be raised with the GAC

See DRAFT agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/bILxBQ


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