Action Items 2017-01-24 Finance and Budget Subcommittee WG Teleconference

Action Items 2017-01-24 Finance and Budget Subcommittee WG Teleconference


All requests approved by the FBSC are to be submittedĀ 

Extension Ā of the Finance Deadline Ā has been extended through the 10 February. This extension will be extended to all AC/SO/SGs.Ā 


FBSC Decisions

ALT Strategy - no comments

Real-time captioning - no comments

GSE Funding of RALO funding -no comments

IGF Funding for At-Large - The AFRALO and APRALO requests to be integreated into the ALAC request for IGF funding.. Glenn/Dev Ā to work with AFRALo/APRALO to incorporate their requests.Ā 

Effective Policy tracking system - Proposal to be updated to be more consistent. Consider making it a multi-year proposal with the first year being a development phase within the TTF.Ā 

GAC Liaison funding - no comments

APRALO GA - Integrate the request of the FY17 Ā multi-year budget into the request.Ā 



AFRALO Ā IGF - Tijani will work with others on incorporating it into the other larger event.Ā 

AFRALO AFRICAN Ā IGF - Heidi to work with GSE

Next steps

Staff to return to people who submitted by 30th. (NOTE: Extended to the 5th)

Next call is end of week of the 30th or on the 6th. (NOTE: Extended to the 9th)



APRICOT - Reword Ā to include policy activities in addition to outreach. me

Armenian IGF - clean up and polish and submit

INSIG - APRALO to take it back to Satish to clarify whether this Ā is an Indian event or taking the model into Abu Dhabi.Ā 

APIGA - Maureen to polish and add to the text.Ā 



IGF Workshop on Public Interest - no comments

Studenkreis - no comments.Ā 



Creating Leaders in LACRALO - Add a component of ICANN policy leaders and running LACRALO. Add that this could be a pilot project for the other RALOs.Ā 

What is the next steps for the trainees

LACRALO roundtable - Ā to be revisited during/after the LACRALO Assembly

LACRALO Empowerment and Capacity Building - Clarification to be added. In its current state, FBSC can't submit it.Ā 

Internet for Development and Social Transformation - Needs clarify and refinement



North American Ā Internet governance school - Suggest adding this as the 1st North American School of Internet Governance and the location will be moved throughout North America. Eduardo and Javier to speak with CM and JC. Ā 

Public Media contest - Raise this requests to an ALAC request

Global Indigenous Persons Fellowship Program - Heidi and Loris to work together to increase focus on global aspects. FBSC to consider making this an ALAC request.Ā 

Getting comfortable with video-conferencing - Heidi to contact Marita on overal aim. If it is Ā within the normal staff task, do not submit.Ā 

Canadian Speakers Bueau - withdrawn