Content Development Roadmap

Content Development Roadmap

Next Step

  • Product Team & IT to work on the technical built-up for the site 
  • At-Large staff & community to develop content strategy and curate written content 
  • We may reuse some of the existing content, but will need to rewrite and create other content 
  • At-Large community need to take ownership of the site & get more community members involved 
  • The Website Revamp Taskforce will lay the foundation for the content development phase: 
    • Involve core communications staff
    • Develop two types of outlines 
      • Broader outline that covers topics of each page
      • Detailed outline that describes each individual topic 
    • Develop guidelines and templates for each individual topic 
    • Create example pages 
    • Critique existing content 
  • Form focused and selected editorial working group consisted of community members under the guidance of ICANN Comms Dept
  • Finished product to be edited and polished by ICANN Comms Dept 

Potential Workload

This table illustrates the potential workload for developing written content for the revamped At-Large website. The pages highlighted in yellow have most of the written work to do. 

Page TitleType of ContentApproximate Length

Hero Text1 - 2 sentences that reiterate the mission statement of At-Large in a catchy manner
"Get Started" Buttons1 short phrase that point newcomers to each must-read page
Section Introduction1 short phrase that introduces each section/row on the page; the sections include Policy Advice, Regional Activities, Outreach Activities, Capacity Building, Calendar, and Social Media
TopicsPage Introduction1 paragraph (3-4 sentences) that introduces visitors to the policy topics matter to end-users and important to At-Large
Section Introduction

1-2 sentences that gives a helicopter view of each policy topic and prompts visitors to 'read more'

Topic Details

(need to develop 10-15 such pages)

SummarySeveral paragraphs that explains the policy topic in a beginner friendly manner,
Concrete Example1-2 paragraphs, preferably with pictures or illustrations, that gives newcomers a concrete understanding about this policy topic
Topic HistorySeveral paragraphs that delineates the evolvement of this policy topic over time and highlights key milestones related to this topic
End-User InterestsSeveral paragraphs that describes why end-users should care about this policy topic
Our WorkPage Introduction1 paragraph (3-4 sentences) that reiterate the mission statement of At-Large and link to a summary of our areas of work
Section Introduction1 sentence that introduces each section/row on the page and prompt visitors to "Read More"; the sections include Policy Advice, Regional Activities, Outreach Activities, and Capacity Building

Our Work Details

(need to develop 4 such pages)

Summary1 paragraph that give visitors an overview on certain area of work
Work BreakdownSeveral paragraphs, preferably with pictures, illustrations and/or videos, that provide more details to each component of this area of work
Impact StorySeveral paragraphs that tell a story about how At-Large has made a difference and advocating for end-user interests by doing this area of work
Get InvolvedPage Introduction1 paragraph that serves the "call to action" purposes and urges visitors to get involved in At-Large
Section Introduction1 short phrase and/or 1 sentence that introduce each section/row on the page; the sections include Policy Advice, Regional Activities, Outreach, Capacity Building, Membership, Communications, ICANN Meeting Participation, and Vote & Election.

Get Involved Details

(need to develop about 30 such pages)

Summary1 paragraph that gives visitors an overview on how they can get involved in a specific component of At-Large work/activity (the components under each "section")
"How To" BreakdownSeveral paragraphs, with illustrations, pictures and/or videos, that explain each step for people to get involved in that component of work/acitivites

ICANN & At-LargeSeveral paragraphs that explains what is At-Large and At-Large's relations to ICANN
Our Mission1-2 paragraphs that explains the mission statement of At-Large
At-Large HistorySeveral paragraphs, with pictures, illustrations and/or videos, that delineate how At-Large has evolved overtime and highlight the key milestones of the community