NCUC Membership Work Session - ICANN82
Welcome and Introduction (4minutes)
Call to Order: Chairs welcome and opening remarks
Introductions: Brief introductions by new and existing members
Approval of Agenda: Any proposed changes or additions to the agenda
ICANN 82 Overview (4minutes)
ICANN 82 Key Updates: Highlights from recent discussions
Announcements: Any important updates from the ICANN community that impact NCUC
NCUC Reports and Updates (20minutes)
NCUC Chair’s Report: Overview of recent NCUC activities and priorities
Treasurer’s Report: Financial updates and NCUC budget overview
CROP recipient Report
Policy Updates: Key ongoing policy issues of concern for NCUC members
Membership and Outreach Updates: Report on NCUC member growth and engagement efforts
Media and communication working team
Strategic and Policy Discussions (4minutes)
Internet Governance and Public Interest Issues: NCUC's role in global Internet governance discussions
Engagement (10minutes)
Community Engagement Strategies: Enhancing NCUC's visibility and influence within ICANN and the world at large (Regional webinars)
Public Comments and Policy Development Process (PDP): How NCUC members can engage in and influence public comments and ICANN policy-making
Open Discussion (10minutes)
Proposals for any New Initiatives: Open floor for members to suggest new projects or ideas, collaborations, or initiatives
Membership Engagement: Ideas for increasing NCUC membership and activity
Open discussions
AOB and Adjournment of meeting (8minutes)