ICANN81 Community Session topic proposals
ICANN81 Community Session topic proposals
The SO AC Leaders - Chair & VCs - SG, SC and RALO Chairs held a meeting on 26 June 2024. Overview of Block schedule, production timeline and Community Session, if a topic is proposed.
Note - there is no obligation for the Community Session to take place, should there be no clear topic community groups agree upon, the session can be postponed until ICANN82. Initial deadline of 19 July 2024 for submissions. Deadline postponed to 30 July 2024.
UPDATE on proposals (06.08.24) - Full list of 4 topics submitted by SO ACs
Suggestion to combine ccNSO & At-Large proposals: ICANN's role with respect to new Internet Infrastructures being proposed nationally and internationally.
To be discussed by SOACs on second ICANN81 Production call, Thursday 8 August
UPDATE on At-Large Topic Proposal (30.07.24)
Submitted on 30 July 2024 by Justine Chew to the SO AC List, within the dealines:
- Joint ALAC & GAC proposal (endorsed by the GAC)
→ Shifting Paradigms: Multistakeholderism, Geopolitics, International Law, and New Internet Infrastructures
Joanna Kulesza and Pari Esfandiari worked on Joanna's initial proposal to provide an update version. Joanna Kulesza remains moderator and Pari Esfandiari joins the panel.
Full list of 4 topics submitted by SO ACs
Status on 23.07.24)
Hereafter the 2 proposals received so far:
At-Large proposals:
Shifting Paradigms: Multistakeholderism, Geopolitics, International Law, and New Internet Infrastructures (Joanna Kulesza)
Navigating the Complexities of Safeguarding Core Internet Values and Addressing E-Friction Amidst Evolving Geopolitical Dynamics (Pari Esfandiari)
- NEW Title: Safeguarding Internet Core Values amidst a Shifting Geopolitical Landscape