CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2019.08.06

CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2019.08.06

Date:  Tuesday the 6th of August 2019                                

Time:  15:00 UTC | See here for your local date and time

Zoom Meeting Room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/227666318

Interpretation Available: No

Participants: Olivier Crepin Leblond, Lori Schulman, Sufian Khalfalla, Jimson Olufuye, Marilyn Cade, Judith Hellerstein, Hu zhengkun, Yrjo Lansipuro, Eric Schweighofer, Bartlett Morgan, Jim Prendergast, Kim Young, Christopher Wilkinson

Staff: Nigel Nickson, Natalia Mochu, Veni Markovsk, Vera Major, Mandy Carver, Adam Peake

Apologies: Sam Lanfranco, David Olive, Sally Costerton, Claudine Kariger, James Bladel

Call management: Desiree Cabrera, Dierdre Sidjanski,

Action Items: EN

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/recording/share/uts8mCicoWEjKLqBCoulVVh795wBgs4u_o0c48PVLg2wIumekTziMw



Zoom Chat: EN

A G E N D A  

  1. Introduction, Welcome, Adoption of Agenda (2 minutes)

  2. Discussion of non-Charter for Group (15 minutes)

    1. Link to working document

  3. Preparation for ICANN66 Sessions (20 minutes)

  4. IGF Berlin (5 minutes)

  5. Update on Internet Governance developments (15 minutes)

  6. AoB (3 minutes)