2021-06-07 ICANN71 At-Large: What to Expect Webinar

2021-06-07 ICANN71 At-Large: What to Expect Webinar

Monday, 07 June 2021

Time: 17:00 - 18:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here

How can I participate in this meeting? 

Web conference tool: Zoom 

English Conference ID = 1638

Spanish Conference ID = 1738

French Conference ID = 1838

Zoom Room:  https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMocuiqpzIuGNyN1ltbVCEKiWIEvfenlhAe  - PLEASE REGISTER


EN: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Claire Craig, Bill Jouris, Maureen Hilyard, Pari Esfandiari, Tijani Ben Jemma, Gopal Tadepalli, Steinar Grotterod, Peter Knight, Joanna Kulesza, Alfredo Calderon, Chokri Ben Romdhane, Bonface Witaba, Christopher Wilkinson, Dave Kissoondoyal, Hadia Elminiawi, Sebastien Bachollet, Roberto Gaetano, Marita Moll, Raymond Mamattah, Lianna Galstyan, Natalia Filina, K Mohan Raidu, Judith Hellerstein, Sarah Kiden, Jonathan Zuck, Nigel Hickson, Bendjedid Rachad Sanoussi, Alan Greenberg, Sandra Hoferichter, Seun ojedeji, Ali AlMeshal, Frank Anati, Seher Sagiroglu Ayham, John More, Daniel Nanghaka, Vernatius Ezeama, Stephen Dakyi, Sarata Omane, 

ES: Harold Arcos, Alberto Soto, 

FR: Olevie Kouami, Mitchel Tchonang, 

Apologies: Sarah Kiden

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Devan Reed, Claudia Ruiz

Spanish Interpreters: David & Claudia 

French Interpreters:  Aurelie & Isabelle

Call Management: Claudia Ruiz and Gisella Gruber

Audio Recording: EN, ES, FR

Zoom Recording: EN

Transcript: EN, ES, FR

Zoom Chat: EN

ICANN71 At-Large: What to Expect Webinar

Moderator: Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair


  1. Welcome - Staff (2 minutes)

  2. Welcome and Introduction to the Webinar - Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair (3 minutes)

  3. At-Large Sessions - What to Expect Day by Day - Maureen Hilyard and the At-Large Leadership Team (45 minutes)

    1. Presentation

    2. Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Session (Seun)
  4. ICANN71 Resources - Maureen Hilyard (2 minutes)

    1. See: At-Large Wiki Workspace: ICANN71 - June 2021

    2. See: ICANN71 Policy Outlook Report 

  5. Questions and Answers - Maureen Hilyard/All (5 minutes)

  6. Next Steps - Maureen Hilyard (3 minutes)

    1. Register for ICANN71