At-Large Questions for ICANN71
At-Large Questions for ICANN71
Topics for Discussion with the Board Meeting:
ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on Subsequent Procedures - Board comments and next steps.
ALAC Speaker: Justine Chew to highlight key issues in the SubPro Advice document that the ALAC would like to draw to the Board's attention. (8 mins)
Board response/s and discussion (15 mins)
ALAC Advice to the Board - Best practice in format, approach, feedback and process.
Board response/s and discussion (7 mins)
ALAC Issue : Holistic Review
- This past year of lockdown has served to break the established ICANN ‘silos’ as we all join the fewer meetings on offer - more often now involving participants from across the ICANN community. It has proved that we can and do communicate across communities to address the range of issues facing ICANN.
- The ALAC therefore supports the ATRT3 recommendation for a ‘holistic review' that asks whether the structures put in place 20 years ago still best serve the whole community, or if changes in operations and structure will better achieve ICANN’s objectives, including ensuring optimal representation of community views.
- In its submissions to the ICANN budget, ALAC will be asking for funds to support a pilot for a holistic review, addressing the issues identified in ATRT3.
ALAC Speakers: Holly Raiche & Sebastien Bachollet (5 mins each - plan what each is going to raise, and keep to the point) (10 mins)
Board Response/s and discussion (15 mins)