At-Large Meetings - Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Yesim Saglam
Aleksey Khapchenko
Gisella Gruber
07:00-08:00 UTC For other times: | Joint Meeting GAC & GNSO Agenda:
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08:00-08:30 UTC | Break | |||
08:30-10:00 UTC For other times: | GNSO - CPH DNS Abuse Work Group Community Update CPH DNS Abuse WG will update the community on progress addressing DNS Abuse. ICANN71 GNSO Policy Briefing: Agenda wiki page: | |||
10:00-10:30 UTC For other times: | Virtual Coffee / Fika Room 1: What Are You Watching? Favorite TV Shows and Series Facilitated by Erhan Kiraner and Melanie Brennan Whether you're on Hulu, Netflix, Prime, Apple TV, or another provider, there's so much to watch! Come share your favorite tv shows and movies and we'll all end up with something new to check out. Room 2: Dream Vacations! Where Will You Go? Facilitated by Ted Bartles and Joseph De Jesus Are you planning a vacation? Let's talk about spectacular places to visit post-pandemic! | |||
10:30-12:00 UTC For other times: | Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting Agenda:
| Moderator: Seun Ojedeji Lead/Notes: SV RPMs: MD & GG | ||
12:00-12:30 UTC | Break | |||
12:30-14:00 UTC For other times: | At-Large EURALO Policy Session: New gTLDs: Protection of Geographical Names in Europe Objective: To review and discuss the proposed protections afforded by the recent Subsequent Procedures policy development procedure (PDP) on the eventual creation of new 'generic' Top Level Domains (gTLDs). Description: The session will explore and report on the needs and interests of users for geographical identity, the existing scope and opportunities for legal protection, intellectual property aspects including AOC, and alpha3 codes in ISO3166 and ISO 4217, including for example, EUR. Agenda:
| Moderator: Sandra Hoferichter (Medienstadt Leipzig e.V . & EURODIG) Lead: HU Notes: EE RPMs: GG & CR | ||
14:00-15:30 UTC For other times: | EURALO Social - join us with your paint brushes! The ICANN71 EURALO Social Event is an opportunity to enjoy this time together and immerse in the atmosphere of the Netherlands, our host of the big event - ICANN71! We then invite you to a fun game about Domain Names, followed by a short online drawing lesson - we will paint a plate in the style of Delft porcelain (please come prepared with blue paint, a brush, a marker and a white plate made of clay, paper or just a circle in cardboard). Last but not least, we have the pleasure of welcoming GEMS band members! Join us for the story on how it all started followed by a performance! Be registered and be prepared to enjoy this entertaining virtual event, hosted by EURALO. | Moderator: Sébastien Bachollet and Natalia Filina Lead: GG RPMs: MD & GG |
07:00-08:00 UTC | ||||
08:00-08:30 UTC | Pausa | |||
08:30-10:00 UTC | ||||
10:00-10:30 UTC | Pausa virtual para el café / Fika | |||
10:30-12:00 UTC For other times: | Reunión conjunta de AFRALO y AfrICANN Agenda:
| Modera: Seun Ojedeji Guía: SV Notas: RPM: MD y GG | ||
12:00-12:30 UTC | Pausa | |||
12:30-14:00 UTC For other times: | Sesión sobre políticas de At-Large de la EURALO: Nuevos gTLD: Protección de nombres geográficos en Europa Objetivo: Revisar y debatir las protecciones propuestas proporcionadas por el reciente Proceso de Desarrollo de Políticas (PDP) de los procedimientos posteriores sobre la posible creación de nuevos dominios ‘genéricos’ de alto nivel (gTLD). Descripción: Esta sesión estará dedicada a explorar y redactar un informe sobre las necesidades e intereses de los usuarios en tener una identidad geográfica, el alcance actual, las posibilidades de contar con protección legal, los aspectos relacionados con la propiedad intelectual, incluida la AOC, los códigos alpha3 en las normas ISO3166 y ISO 4217, incluyendo por ejemplo, EUR. Agenda:
| Moderador: Sandra Hoferichter (Medienstadt Leipzig e.V . y EURODIG) Guía: Notas: RPM: GG y CR | ||
14:00-15:30 UTC | Evento social de la EURALO | Moderador: Sébastien Bachollet y Natalia Filina Guía: Notas: RPM: MD y GG |
07 h 00-08 h 00 UTC | ||||
08 h 00-08 h 30 UTC | Pause | |||
08 h 30-10 h 00 UTC | ||||
10 h 00-10 h 30 UTC | Café virtuel/fika | |||
10 h 30-12 h 00 UTC | Réunion conjointe AFRALO/AfrICANN Ordre du jour :
| Modérateur : Seun Ojedeji Coordination : SV Remarques : RPM : MD & GG | ||
12 h 00-12 h 30 UTC | Pause | |||
12 h 30-14 h 00 UTC | Séance politique EURALO At-Large : Nouveaux gTLD : protection des noms géographiques en Europe Objectif : Examiner et discuter des protections proposées par le récent processus d'élaboration de politiques (PDP) relatif aux procédures ultérieures pour la création de nouveaux domaines « génériques » de premier niveau (gTLD). Description : La séance étudiera et rendra compte des besoins et intérêts des utilisateurs pour l’identité géographique, de la portée existante et des possibilités de protection juridique, des aspects liés à la propriété intellectuelle dont les AOC, et des codes alpha-3 dans les normes ISO3166 et ISO 4217, y compris, par exemple, EUR. Ordre du jour :
Panélistes :
| Modérateur : Sandra Hoferichter (Medienstadt Leipzig e.V . & EURODIG) Coordination : Remarques : RPM : GG & CR | ||
14 h 00-15 h 30 UTC | Événement de sociabilisation de l'EURALO | Modérateurs : Sébastien Bachollet et Natalia Filina Coordination : Remarques : RPM : MD & GG |