Andrew Mack - Biography
Andrew Mack is CEO and Founder of Agromovil, an award-winning app platform linking farmers, transporters and purchasers to dramatically improve the efficiency of small scale agriculture. Leveraging support from the Toyota Mobility Foundation, Ernst and Young, Carnegie Mellon, the Walton Family Foundation, and US Department of Agriculture among others, Agromovil currently has over 1,400 users on the platform and implementations starting in Africa and Central America – and plans to expand into the US later this year.
A former World Bank official, banker and owner of AMGlobal Consulting, Mack is internationally-recognized for his work on Corporate Social Responsibility, public-private partnership, and entrepreneurship as well as his work on internet governance. A veteran of over 40 ICANN meetings, Mack is past Chair of the Business Constituency and has done intensive work on new gTLDs and the developing world, including service on as a member of the Joint Applicant Support task force.
Mack holds a BA Magna Cum Laude from Amherst College and a MA from Johns Hopkins. He speaks and works in Spanish, French and Portuguese.