ALAC and At-Large Action Items from ICANN70
ALAC and At-Large Action Items from ICANN70
This Workspace contains the action items from the ICANN70 ALAC and At-Large sessions. *ALAC and At-Large Actions and Decisions 20-25 March Workspace
This pages contains the ALAC and At-Large Actions and Decisions taken during ICANN70.
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At-Large Policy Session 1: The future of ICANN‘s mandate and the development of the DNS: Voices of the Next Generation! - EE
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The outcome is that this policy session has been the kick-off to strengthen and cumulate Next Generation ideas and resources cross-constituencies focused on the three emphasized questions during the roundtable. This should result in possible focal points for future projects or topics to further intensify and concretize the drive of this renewal process.
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- Panelists included Göran Marby, ICANN President and CEO, León Sánchez, Board Director Selected by At-Large Lito Ibarra, Ignacio Estrada, General Manager of LACTLD, Rodrigo de la Parra, Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement & Managing Director - Latin America & Caribbean, Vanda Scartezini - LACRALO member.
- The panelists analyzed and debated the question “As a Latin American and Caribbean Leader of the ICANN community and Internet Governance participant, what do you see as the most critical challenges in the region during the next five years? What are your suggestions to address them? The conclusions and main themes identified will be considered as input for LACRALO members to develop a 5-year strategic plan.
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- Key points: Collaboration and communication are key. Educating the community is important. The At-Large community, specifically the RALOs and At-Large Structures.
- Key points: It was noted that ALAC & GAC have a continued role in implementation of the Subsequent Procedures recommendations, and EPDP is ongoing.
- Justine Chew noted that ALAC Advice regarding Subsequent Procedures is ready for submission to the ICANN Board post-ICANN70.
- Key points: It was noted by Göran and others that "Connectivity has gone up a lot since the last round. Specially in the non English parts of the world," and "One thing that we want to spend time and investing in is to make the application process as 'easy' possible." Outreach seen as integral to these regions/less mature markets. It was noted by Becky Burr that "We need connections with those on the ground in targeted communities to bring the program to those communities," such as At-Large Structures (ALSes). Edmon Chung also noted involving NextGen, Fellows, Newcomers.
- JZ asked the presenters to pick between two options as a measure of ASP success: Option 1: We have a more expansive and timely outreach effort that leads to measurable improvement in both the visibility and operations of ICANN and the new gTLD program. Option 2: We have two successful "supported" applicants who actually delegate new strings in the root.
Most presenters agreed that delegation of two "supported" applicants is a reasonable measure of success for the program. They also noted that:- Connectivity has increased since 2012, especially in developing domain name markets
- Outreach and engagement are integral to bringing the program to local communities
Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting - SV
- seun.ojedeji and Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong will circulate the AFRALO-AFRICANN draft statement with the AFRICANN community for 2 weeks for final comment. The final statement will be sent to staff to forward it to the ICANN Board.