Zoom Chat: 2021-03-23 ALAC & GAC Meeting
00:50:37 Julia Charvolen (ICANN Org, GAC Support): Hello, my name is Julia Charvolen and I will be monitoring this chat room. In this role, I am the voice for the remote GAC participants.
GAC Members who wish to submit a question or comment that you want to be read aloud on the mic, please type your question or comment in English and start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud.
Time permitting, we'd like to get to all comments and questions, but we will give priority to comments and questions from GAC members. Be assured that if we don't have time for reading all, the chat transcript is preserved in the meeting records.
This session includes “live” interpretation in the 6 UN languages, plus Portuguese.
All chat sessions are being archived and follow the ICANN Expected Standards of
Behavior: https://meetings.icann.org/en/expected-standards-behavior.
00:50:58 Julia Charvolen (ICANN Org, GAC Support): Please remember to add your affiliation, the country or organization you are representing to your name in the Zoom room. You may do that by hovering over your name with your cursor. More options will display, click rename and it will allow you to update your name and then enter GAC into parentheses.
00:51:12 Julia Charvolen (ICANN Org, GAC Support): Please remember to select the language you will speak from the interpretation icon. If this is not possible because you’ve joined from the browser, rest of the participants might simply click on “unmute original audio” option listed under the languages on interpretation icon.
00:51:33 Jorge Cancio: hello everyone, especially our ALAC colleagues
00:51:54 Jonathan Zuck: Hello!
00:52:06 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): hello all
00:52:07 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Hi @Jorge
00:52:18 UY Beatriz Rodriguez: Hello everyone, Beatriz Rodriguez from Uruguay
00:52:24 Holly Raiche: Greetings
00:52:56 Judith Hellerstein: Greetings all
00:53:13 SHI YOUNG CHANG(GAC-KR): Thank you all. It's great to see you all from GAC-Korea
00:53:18 Nigel Hickson UK GAC : Good evening; great to be meeting with ALAC friends.
00:53:56 Judith Hellerstein: @nigel great to be with you here as well
00:54:43 Vanda Scartezini - Brazil: hi everyone
00:55:03 Dave Kissoondoyal - ALAC: +1 @Nigel and @Judith
00:55:26 Sergio Salinas Porto: The Spanish interpretation is not working in the congress rental network
00:55:30 Herb Waye: Hello everyone. The ICANN Ombuds team will be available at our drop-in virtual Zoom office during meeting hours (9 AM to 5:30 PM daily). You can visit using the following Zoom link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/97816079697 Passcode: Y^63mHe0NT
You will be placed in a waiting room to ensure confidentiality for anyone who may be visiting the office when you join. If you are not allowed entry within a few minutes please send us an email at ombudsman@icann.org
00:56:25 Judith Hellerstein: @sergio it is working for me. Did you choose Spanish. It seems like it is working
00:58:06 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): I would say I few words after the GAC people thnaks
00:58:16 Yrjo Lansipuro: OK
00:58:54 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): apologies for the typos
01:00:00 Sergio Salinas Porto: @yes Judith, but she's silent ...
01:00:37 CRN - Puneeth Gopal: For those connecting via the CRN app the token is - ICANN-GAC
01:06:54 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): +1 Laureen
01:07:17 Jeff Neuman (GNSO Liaison to GAC): FYI, According to the PDP Manual, there are 12 potential outcomes of a GNSO PDP. Only one of the potential outcomes is a Consensus Policy. The others in Best Practices, Implementation Guidelines, Technical Specs and many others.
01:07:45 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): you are well heard
01:08:19 Jeff Neuman (GNSO Liaison to GAC): I know that may not be your preferred outcome, but just to point out that PDPs are not only supposed to be for Consensus Policies. See https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/filefield_48599/annex-2-pdp-manual-16feb16-en.pdf
01:08:57 Sergio Salinas Porto: I can now connect and have Spanish audio on CNR
01:09:22 Gulten Tepe: Great, thank you for confirming Sergio
01:09:33 Alan Greenberg: Yes Jeff, technically correct but that does not really address what we believe are the current problems.
01:10:03 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): @Jeff thanks for this but we still strive for consensus
01:10:57 Jeff Neuman (GNSO Liaison to GAC): @Alan and @Hadia - Understood. I just wanted to respond on the record on behalf of the GNSO and correct the statement made by Alan that the only outcome of a PDP is Consensus Policies.
01:11:26 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): @Jeff we strive for consensus to the benefit of the entire Internet community
01:11:26 Nigel Hickson UK GAC : Wanted to thank Justine Chew for your comprehensive brief for GAC on SubPro.
01:12:22 Jeff Neuman (GNSO Liaison to GAC): @Hadia - of course. But consensus on a solution is different than a Consensus Policy (as defined in the Bylaws)
01:12:47 Alan Greenberg: @Jeff. My point was that if it wasn't for Consensus Policies, PDPs would likely be far more streamlined and easier. And wouldn't need Board approval most likely.
01:13:20 Alan Greenberg: And wouldn't have the word Policy in their name!
01:15:14 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): @Jeff but wouldn't a consensus on a solution ultimately translate into an implementable policy
01:15:18 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): ?
01:16:04 Jeff Neuman (GNSO Liaison to GAC): [Personal View] - Holding the next round up until DNS Abuse is addressed is not a carrot for existing registries. Many existing registries will benefit from the lack of new competition due to the delay. And there are many brands that would like to apply for new gTLDs that have nothing to do with the existing abuse.
01:17:48 Jeff Neuman (GNSO Liaison to GAC): [Also Personal view] Both the ALAC and the GAC have been extremely helpful in the SubPro PDP and although not everything was accepted, I really personally hope that both the ALAC and the GAC feel like they have benefitted from being a part of the Policy Development Process]
01:18:06 Luisa Paez (Canada GAC): Excellent ALAC brief to the GAC, thank you very much! And very good collaboration to date on Subsequent Procedures, we have benefited a lot from ALAC bilateral exchanges.
01:19:07 Dave Kissoondoyal - ALAC: +1 @Luisa
01:19:15 Jeff Neuman (GNSO Liaison to GAC): +1 Luisa - And the GNSO has benefited from all of your active participation.
01:20:07 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I could not agree more @Jeff :-)
01:21:11 Justine Chew (ALAC): @Nigel H, I'm happy you found the At-Large briefs useful.
01:22:38 Dean Marks: The IPC also appreciates all of the active and substantive participation of the ALAC and the GAC. In terms of the SSAD from the Phase 2 EPDP, we were told that Minority Statements to a Final Report is not the equivalent of Advice to the Board as they consider the policy recommendations as voted on by the GNSO Council and forwarded to the Board. So I hope the ALAC and the GAC will be able to deliver the views that they set forth in the Minority Statements as formal advice to the Board. Many thanks!
01:23:05 Jonathan Zuck: Bring popcorn!
01:23:33 Jeff Neuman (GNSO Liaison to GAC): Just make sure your mic is off (when eating the popcorn)
01:24:08 Gregory Shatan: It will be a very substantive panel. Any entertainment value is strictly coincidental.
01:24:18 Holly Raiche: Thanks Alan
01:24:21 Luisa Paez (Canada GAC): Thank you, Alan for your comments.
01:25:16 Jeff Neuman (GNSO Liaison to GAC): In theory, the ICANN Board should kick off the comment period either before or at the same time of the ODP
01:25:20 Seun Ojedeji: interesting discussion but I have to leave now. Thanks
01:25:25 Justine Chew (ALAC): @Dean, yes, the ALAC are intending to issue Advice to the Board, with more to say than the ALAC (Minority) Statement.
01:26:28 Jorge Cancio: copy&paste is an important human advancement
01:27:36 Alan Greenberg: @Jorge, Not sure those who are looking to preserve trees would agree!
01:27:44 Dean Marks: @Justine--thanks so much for the confirmation. That is very encouraging. And @Jorge: it seems to me that cutting and pasting the Minority Statement as Consensus GAC Advice to the Board would save all of you some work!
01:28:22 Jorge Cancio: @Alan
01:32:29 Holly Raiche: No sound from Seb?
01:32:31 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: froze
01:32:33 Noha Gaafar, GAC-Egypt: we lost him
01:32:38 Jorge Cancio: yep
01:32:38 PT João Nuno Ferreira: yep
01:35:26 Luisa Paez (Canada GAC): Thank you, Sebastien!
01:36:13 Sébastien Bachollet (EURALO): You welcome Luisa
01:37:26 Nigel Hickson UK GAC : ATRT3 was good food for thought; thanks Sebastien.
01:38:46 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): Thanks indeed Sebastien
01:39:40 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Exactly and we consider that Continuous Improvement is key to the near future of ICANN's evolution
01:39:41 SivasubramanianM: <question> Is it within the mission and scope of ATRT to holistically view the Policy development process in ICANN, and if so, if this is one of the components of the work done by ATRT, could ATRT briefly summarise its deliberations on the Policy Development processes in ICANN ?
01:40:51 Judith Hellerstein: All there are questions in the chat for people to answer
01:41:00 Sébastien Bachollet (EURALO): Well done liaisons
01:41:05 Sarah Kiden: This was a good session. Thank you everyone
01:41:32 SHI YOUNG CHANG(GAC-KR): Thank you, we are looking forward more deeper collaboration.
01:41:37 Vanda Scartezini - Brazil: thank you all quite interesting session.
01:41:37 Dave Kissoondoyal - ALAC: Thanks all and long live the fruitful collaboration between the ALAC and the GAC
01:41:55 Luisa Paez (Canada GAC): Thank you to everyone!
01:41:57 Vanda Scartezini - Brazil: thank you all good session !!
01:42:06 Jonathan Zuck: Excellent discussion
01:42:20 pari esfandiari: Thank you
01:42:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye for now then always a pleasure to interact with our GAC colleagues
01:42:28 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong,AFRALO: Thanks for that great session
01:42:54 Hamza Salami (NCC, Nigeria): Thank you everyone
01:43:10 alberto soto: Thanks everyone!
01:43:25 Dave Kissoondoyal - ALAC: Great collaboration and thanks to both chairs and members
01:43:28 Marita Moll: Many thanks -- only managed to get to the 2nd half
01:43:31 Nigel Hickson UK GAC : Thank you all. A late but great session.
01:43:43 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): Thank you all - bye
01:43:48 Jorge Cancio: thx all!
01:43:50 Gregory Shatan: Goodbye all!