Zoom Chat: 2021-03-16 At-Large Social Media Webinar
19:16:07 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : Welcome everyone!
19:26:24 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : Hello everyone, welcome to the social media webinar, thanks for to attend
19:26:37 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : hello dear Lilian and all!
19:26:55 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : Hellooo dear Natalia!
19:28:43 From Bill Jouris to Everyone : Isn't it the *bottom* of the hour that we start this session...? ;-)
19:29:10 From Bill Jouris to Everyone : Yeah, everybody's a critic
19:30:31 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone : Hello everyone.. greetings from Mauritius
19:30:40 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : thanks claudia wait a couple minutes
19:30:49 From Svitlana Tkachenko to Everyone : Hello !
19:31:10 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : hello Dev and Svitlana!
19:31:34 From Edem Kobla NUNEKPEKU to Everyone : Hello Everyone. Greetings from Dakar, Sénégal
19:31:54 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : Welcome Edem
19:32:18 From Edem Kobla NUNEKPEKU to Everyone : You're welcome Lilian!
19:32:39 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE to Everyone : Hi everyone
19:33:13 From SYLVIA HERLEIN LEITE to Everyone : hello everyone, greetings Brazil
19:33:39 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone : Welcome to the At-Large Social Media Webinar!
19:34:25 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone : Jonathan is joining shortly
19:34:38 From Marcelo Rodríguez to Everyone : Hola que tal como estan, Saludos a todos y todas. Hello Everyone. Greetings from Chaco Argentina
19:39:37 From Aïcha Abbad to Everyone : Salut tout le monde. Aïcha Maroc
19:39:50 From Daniel Nanghaka to Everyone : hello all
19:42:06 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone : Hi to all, Lavish (EGIGFA, GhanaSIG) , great to be here...
19:42:46 From Svitlana Tkachenko to Everyone : Hello all! Greetings from Ukraine
19:43:06 From Daniel Nanghaka to Everyone : During these pandemic times, Social media has been the greatest tools of communication and information desemination
19:43:21 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : https://my.walls.io/i3p4c
19:44:28 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone : +1 Daniel, Very much agree with you!
19:45:52 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : yes Daniel totally agree with you the social media saving lives and minds
19:45:55 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone : Nice @Claudia... very inspiring... great work
19:46:38 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE to Everyone : Great Natalia
19:47:32 From Daniel Nanghaka to Everyone : In At-Large, Outreach has been so strong with high adaptation of Social Media as a tool of communication
19:47:49 From Herb Waye to Everyone : Hi everyone… sorry for being late… had trouble tracking down the zoom link. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
19:47:56 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone : +1 Daniel
19:48:19 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : +2 Daniel
19:48:23 From Bill Jouris to Everyone : +1 Herb. It definitely wasn't easy
19:49:18 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone : @Herb, great you made it...
19:50:36 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : this pictures produce nostalgia, great memories
19:54:47 From Herb Waye to Everyone : I guess this would be a great place for me to ask everyone to follow me on Twitter and Facebook :-)
19:55:18 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Indeed. Perhaps we should ALL put up our social links here!
19:55:41 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Insta: jonathanzuck Twitter: jvzuck
19:57:25 From Herb Waye to Everyone : @icannombudsman for both
19:58:24 From Frederic Taes to Everyone : https://twitter.com/isoc_belgium
19:58:28 From Frederic Taes to Everyone : https://www.facebook.com/InternetSocietyBelgium/
19:58:35 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Don't stop, believing!
19:58:49 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Hold onto the feelin'
19:59:50 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone : Thank you Natalia
19:59:58 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Great job!
20:00:07 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone : @ Natalia
20:00:17 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE to Everyone : Thank you very much, very good presentation
20:00:19 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone : Thanks @Natalia
20:00:30 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone : This was really interesting
20:00:38 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : i follow booth @herb and @jonathan
20:00:43 From Rodrigo Alexandre ICANN70 Nextgen to Everyone : Thanks Natalia!
20:00:48 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : my twitter is @liliandeluque
20:00:51 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : thank you very much!
20:00:58 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone : Great job, Natalia! Very useful presentation.
20:01:00 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : Thanks Natalia great!!
20:01:08 From Edem Kobla NUNEKPEKU to Everyone : Thanks Natalia!
20:01:15 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : I will correct the info Lilian!
20:01:41 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : oki
20:01:51 From Roberto Gaetano to Everyone : Excellent presentation, even for a person who does not use social media very much like myself
20:04:15 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : If the participants of the webinar learn and are motivated, we fulfill one our objectives
20:05:31 From SYLVIA HERLEIN LEITE to Everyone : +1 Roberto
20:07:22 From Edem Kobla NUNEKPEKU to Everyone : Great presentations!
20:07:35 From Daniel Nanghaka to Everyone : I agree, the focus should be on enhancing social media engagement
20:10:48 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : #atlarge70
20:10:59 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : @Roberto, thank you! But we are waiting for you in So Media!!!-)
20:11:25 From Roberto Gaetano to Everyone : @Natalia maybe…
20:12:05 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : +1 Natalia Roberto waiting for you
20:13:04 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : This levels are key
20:14:09 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone : Great presentation... very informative...
20:15:28 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : to the end we would have a Q&A
20:15:42 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE to Everyone : Thank you
20:15:46 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone : Would advice a special handle for specific or unique activities from one's personal handle?
20:15:47 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : People prefer ask us personally-)
20:15:59 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone : *would you
20:16:16 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone : Thank you Shreedeep
20:16:21 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Thanks!
20:16:45 From Edem Kobla NUNEKPEKU to Everyone : Agree for regional collaboration. thanks
20:16:55 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE to Everyone : +1
20:16:56 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : Thank you Shreedeep! Very useful and inspirational presentation!
20:17:13 From Rodrigo Alexandre ICANN70 Nextgen to Everyone : Thanks Shreedeep!
20:17:26 From Shreedeep Rayamajhi to Everyone : Thank you all :)
20:17:40 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : Thanks Shreedeep
20:18:14 From Bill Jouris to Everyone : Better, but still a lot fainter than usual
20:18:35 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : hi JONATHAN! Nice to see all of you!!!
20:19:52 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : the great right first point!
20:22:31 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone : https://www.all-hashtag.com/
20:25:46 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : claudia share again the link
20:25:54 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : please of twitter wall
20:26:16 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : https://my.walls.io/i3p4c
20:27:41 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone : Great Tips
20:27:51 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE to Everyone : Thank Jonathan
20:27:54 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone : Great! and thank you for the wall
20:27:59 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : atlarge.wiki/wall
20:28:09 From Shreedeep Rayamajhi to Everyone : thank you Jonathan :) for adding important information
20:28:14 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : Great useful tips!!!!!! Thank you Jonathan!!!!
20:28:20 From Edem Kobla NUNEKPEKU to Everyone : Thanks for the tools
20:28:26 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : does everyone know how to capture the screen?
20:28:31 From Roberto Gaetano to Everyone : Great presentation, good hints
20:28:38 From Evin Erdoğdu to Everyone : Thank you all
20:28:53 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : not everyone Jonathan
20:29:13 From Aïcha Abbad to Everyone : Merci Jonathan
20:29:47 From SALYOU FANNY to Everyone : Thank you all.
20:30:08 From Marcelo Rodríguez to Everyone : print screen, then paste on any program able to paste an iameg, lets say Paint or any similar. (print screen is a button in your keyboard) prt scr
20:36:46 From Roberto Gaetano to Everyone : @Marcelo - on a Mac there is no “prt scr” key - you must use shift+cmd+3, I believe
20:37:00 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone : Thank you so much to Lillian, Natalia, Shreedeep and Jonathan for your excellent presentations. I would support an ICANN Learn course being developed by the co-Chairs to inform our new participants to At-Large about social media opportunities to promote the work of At-Large
20:37:01 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone : Thnak you Lilian
20:37:12 From Rodrigo Alexandre ICANN70 Nextgen to Everyone : Thank you!
20:37:12 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : that's right, Roberto. Or shift-cmd-5 lets you set a region
20:37:14 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone : Thnak you all
20:37:23 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE to Everyone : Thank all for this great session
20:37:32 From Lilian Ivette De Luque to Everyone : Thanks to everyone
20:37:49 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : Great job, Lillian, Thank you very much! And a successful ICANN70 to all!
20:38:20 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : should we add it to our primary wiki page? atlarge.wiki/icann70
20:38:30 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : ok. thanks.
20:38:36 From Aïcha Abbad to Everyone : Merci pour cette rencontre très intéressante. A la semaine prochaine ICANN 70
20:38:40 From Natalia Filina to Everyone : Fully support your suggestion @Maureen!
20:39:16 From Frederic Taes to Everyone : Comment: merci beaucoup, very interesting and inspiring! :-)
20:39:44 From Aïcha Abbad to Everyone : Merci pour la traduction en particulier en Français dont j'ai bénéficié
20:40:15 From Herb Waye to Everyone : A reminder Barb and I will be staffing a drop in Ombuds office on Zoom next week… drop in for a chat… unfortunately there will be no maple cookies :-(
20:40:59 From Shreedeep Rayamajhi to Everyone : thank you
20:41:05 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone : Thank you all again and bye
20:41:06 From Herb Waye to Everyone : Thank you
20:41:09 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone : Thanks and bye to all
20:41:11 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone : Thank you too... Bye to all
20:41:18 From Siranush Vardanyan to Everyone : By all
20:41:21 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE to Everyone : Bye bye
20:41:22 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone : Thank you everyone for your support for this session.
20:41:24 From Rodrigo Alexandre ICANN70 Nextgen to Everyone : Thank you! Have a nice day!
20:41:25 From Imran Hossen ( ICANN70 Fellow ) to Everyone : bye all
20:41:50 From Marcelo Rodríguez to Everyone : bye thank you