AC Chat: 2018-10-24 EURALO General Assembly
Yesim Nazlar: (10/24/2018 17:02) Hello, my name is Yeşim Nazlar and I will be monitoring this chat room. In this role, I am the voice for the remote participants, ensuring that they are heard equally with those who are “in-room” participants. When submitting a question that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please provide your name and affiliation if you have one, start your sentence with <QUESTION> and end it with <QUESTION>. When submitting a comment that you want me to read out loud of the mic, once again provide your name and affiliation if you have one then start your sentence with a <COMMENT> and end it with <COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the mic. Any questions or comments provided outside of the session time will not be read aloud. Please note that audio is available in French and Spanish. All chat sessions are being archived and follow the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior:
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (17:04) Could Staff please enable my laptop mic.? I'm participating remotely.
Yesim Nazlar: (17:07) Hi Jean-Jacques
Yesim Nazlar: (17:07) Mics are not enabled for ICANN meeting sessions
Yesim Nazlar: (17:07) you need to dial-in or we can dial-out to you
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (17:07) Oh, so how will I participate?!
Yesim Nazlar: (17:08) you either need to dial in or we can dial-out to you
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (17:10) (Yesim, I sent you a message under your name on this chat)
Yesim Nazlar: (17:11) Recieved, dialing out to you now
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (17:14) Olivier, I've just been told that remote participants cannot use their laptop mic. I've been called by dial-out.
ICANN - Tech (Michael): (17:16) For all remote participants who are dialed-in on the phone, just a kind reminder to please make sure to turn off any background speakers as you will be coming in over the loud speakers.
Annette: (17:16) Yes we can hear you :-)
Matthieu Camus: (17:22) Matthieu Camus, Internet Society France
Lutz Donnerhacke: (17:27) Sorry, I'm late (other meeting). Can somebody provide me a phone number of the audio bridge? has 404.
Filina Natalia 2: (17:28) good afternoon, nice to see, to hear you.
Annette: (17:30) @Lutz did you get support?
Yesim Nazlar: (17:30) @Lutz: getting you the phone bridge number shortly
Annette: (17:30) great
ICANN - Tech (Michael): (17:31) @Lutz +1 213-233-3193, when promoted, the Conference ID is 1638
Yesim Nazlar: (17:32) Thank you Michael!
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (17:34) Hello @Lutz --- sorry I did not see you earlier -- I have told staff
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (17:34) ecellent
Sebastien: (17:35) Agenda:
ICANN - Tech (Michael): (17:36) @Lutz, if you have any issues with that number please let me know, as we have region-specific options available as well
Lutz Donnerhacke: (17:42) I hear you!
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (17:44) Thanks Maureen!
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (18:02) @physical address: look here, .
ICANN - Tech (Michael): (18:04) To the participants on the phone, I have to keep you muted until the background speakers are disabled, thank you
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (18:04) @postal address: also
Lutz Donnerhacke: (18:06) Good work from the bylaw team.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (18:07) @JJS: yes there are several options for mail boxes and addresses that can be used, some more or less expensive
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (18:07) Here and here
Sebastien: (18:09) Maybe we can find friends whoà have offices if they can help with that?
Annette: (18:09) thank you Yrjö
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (18:11) @Sébastien: you're right, but in the long run EURALO would need a legally accepted address which did not depend on our Chair, or a friend.
Annette: (18:12) agree with jjs
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (18:22) @resident or citizen ''of Europe'' in the ICANN definition of Europe, of course.
Annette: (18:24) ...and all IGFs are multistakeholder
Annette: (18:32) you are right :-)
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (18:40) Olivier: have lost audio. Request to be excused, unless there is still any item on which the EURALO Individuals' Association must take a position.
Annette: (18:41) how many minutes do we polong the meeting?
Yesim Nazlar: (18:42) @Jean-Jacques: We've checked, and the AC audio is working
Annette: (18:42) prolong, extend the meeting
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (18:42) 10 minutes or less
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (18:42) another 5 or 6
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (18:42) @Yesim: yes, I can hear and see you all, but my 'phone connection is now out. I don't think it's worth calling me back, as I will have to excuse myself very shortly.
Yesim Nazlar: (18:43) well noted JJS. Thank you for participating
Annette: (18:47) unfortunately the dial out is not linked to the english translation, my spanish is poor...
Yesim Nazlar: (18:48) @Anette: you may wish to use the EN audio streaming on AC
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (18:48) @Sébastien: I heard the English interpretation!
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (18:48) yes but you are on Adobe Connect
Lutz Donnerhacke: (18:49) Yes we all have to learn French and Spanish
ICANN - Tech (Michael): (18:49) Just for clarity, the English-feed is broadcast over Adobe Connect, but users connected to the Phone Bridge will hear the in-room audio on the phone
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (18:49) I heard Leon on Adobe Connect, in English.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (18:49) The Adobe Connect streams work. But the telephone is not linked to the English channel
Annette: (18:50) is fine
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (18:51) For your info, I've left my smartphone, and am following the meeting passively on Adbode Connect, where I can listen to interpretation in English.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (18:51) @Action Item: to check that the telephone dial-up is linked to a specific language channel and not just the floor
JJS (Jean-Jacques Subrenat): (18:52) @Olivier: in fact, may I suggest that the Action Item be about enabling the mic function of laptop used by remote participant?
Lutz Donnerhacke: (18:53) I have to pick up my child in a few minutes. So please excuse me, that I have to leave. Thank you!
Silvia Vivanco: (18:55) Thank you all !
Yesim Nazlar: (18:55) Thank you all. This meeting is now ended.