At-Large Leadership Development Session

At-Large Leadership Development Session


ItemAgenda ItemActions and FacilitatorsTime AllocationKey DocumentsOutcome
1Welcome and Introductionsa. Regional Leaders to Introduce the ALAC & Regional Leadership Team


5 mins each

2Introduction to the new Organizational Model for At-Largea. Roles and responsibilities of ALAC & At-Large Leadership Team (ALT) (Maureen Hilyard)

b. Brief reports from CPWG and O&E Working Team Leaders (Olivier Crepin-Leblond/Jonathan Zuck and Daniel Nanghaka)

c. Brief reports from established WG leaders

Capacity Building (Tijani Ben Jemma)

Social Media (John Laprise),

Metrics (Maureen Hilyard and Cheryl Langdon-orr )

d. Q&A


5 mins

5 mins each

2 mins each

5 mins

32019 ALAC and Regional At-Large Objectives


b.ATLASIII planning and implementation

c. Discussion with Regional Leaders on their roles in the Review Implementation and ATLAS III


5 mins

5 mins

 5 mins



4Update on the Implementation Plan activities

a. Review of drafts proposed by each of the Issue Team Leaders (with a priority given to the 8 issues supported by the ALAC)

b. Q&A (comments and inputs)


ARIWG Prioritization and Dependencies Workspace

Next Steps and Farewells

a. ALAC call times
