Community Call on At-Large Travel Support

Community Call on At-Large Travel Support

Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC/0110/1

Date: Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Time: 17h00 - 18h00 UTC

(09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 13:00 Buenos Aires, 17:00 London, 18:00 CEST, 19:00 Nairobi, 00:00 Singapore/Hong Kong, 02:00 Sydney (13.01))

Adobe Connect Room: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/travelsupportjan2010/

Meeting Description:

The purspose of this call is for the members of the At-Large community to speak with Kevin Wilson, ICANN Chief Financial Officer, and Steve Antonoff, Director of Human Resources and Administration, on travel--related issues including the development of Return on Investment parameters, prior planning of regional meetings and outreach activities, identifying synergies with the ALAC Review Improvements, and ways to improve the advance planning of travel to ICANN meetings.

Presenters: Kevin Wilson, ICANN Chief Financial Officer and Steve Antonoff, ICANN Director of Human Resources and Administration

Participants: C.Langdon-Orr, T. Ben Jemaa, G.Shearman, D.Kissoondoyal, E.Leibovitch, S.Bachollet, S.Herlein Leite, D.Anand Teelucksingh, A.Greenberg, W. Ludwig, J.Seng, A.Piazza, S.Reiss

Staff: H. Ullrich, M. Langenegger, G.Gruber-White

Interpretation Available: NO

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Transcript: English

Recording: English


1. Introduction and Purpose of Call (Cheryl Langdon-Orr)-5 mins

2. Upcoming Issues in Travel Support (Alan Greenberg and Kevin Wilson)-15 mins

a. Development of Return on Investment Parameters
See: Travel Support Report for Sydney ICANN meeting

b. Overview of FY 11 Budget Developments (Kevin Wilson)

3. Planning of At-Large Regional Meetings and Outreach Activities-15 mins

Regional input/comment will be requested to discuss this agenda item. The order will be alphabetical order by RALO: AFRALO, APRALO, EURALO, LACRALO, NARALO (at the discretion of the Chair).

4. Identifying Syngergies with the ALAC Review Improvements-10 mins

See Google Spreadsheet of the At-Large Review Improvements Outline

5. Improving the Advance Planning of Travel to ICANN Meetings (Alan Greenberg and Steve Antonoff)- 10 mins

6. Key Conclusions and Next Steps (Cheryl Langdon-Orr)- 5 mins

Reference Material:

Community Travel Support Guidelines For Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 2010 (FY10)

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