At-Large Director Candidate 2010 Workspace
Candidate-Community Forum Page
The At-Large Board Director Candidate-Community Forum includes questions from RALOs and individuals and answers from the candidates.
30 November 2010: Sébastien Bachollet Selected Board Director by the ALAC/At-Large Community
Sébastien Bachollet
On 28 November 2010, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chair of ALAC, announced that Mr. Sébastien Bachollet had secured the required support from the ALAC/At-Large community electorate to be declared the new Board Director selected by the At-Large community. Mr. Bachollet will occupy seat #15 on the ICANN Board of Directors beginning on 10 December of the 2010 Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Cartagena, Colombia 5-10 December 2010.
In announcing the results of the selection, Cheryl Landgon-Orr stated:On behalf of ALAC and the At-Large (RALOs and ALSes) who have been so effectively involved and contributory to this process I would also like to congratulate all the original Statement of Interest applicants and the final slate of candidates involved in this landmark process for At-Large and the ALAC, and sincerely thank all of them for their willingness to serve ICANN and our community as well as to offer our most sincere commiserations to Alan and our congratulations to Sébastien.
For more information on Sébastien Bachollet, see his blog at:
Overview of Applicants
A total of 43 Statements of Interest were received by the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee for the position of At-Large Board Director. Out of these 43 applications, 21 were deemed to be too incomplete to proceed further. The remaining 22 Statements of the Interest will be considered based on the established criteria.
The names of the 22 applicants and the BCEC selected slate of 3-7 candidates will be released in October.
Statistics of the 22 completed Statements of Interest show a globally diverse pool with a wide array of professional backgrounds. From the 22 completed Statements of Interest, 16 applicants are not currently active in the At-Large community while 6 are currently active. Male applicants (18) make up the vast majority of applicants with only 4 female applicants.
Details of the statistics are available below:
Geographical diversity:
AF |
AP |
EU |
NA |
Country of citizenship* |
3 (14%) |
4 (18%) |
7 (32%) |
1 (4%) |
7 (32%) |
Country of residence* |
4 (17%) |
4 (17%) |
7 (29%) |
1 (4%) |
8 (33%) |
(*) Total numbers are GREATER than 22 given dual citizenship or multiple locations of residence of some applicants
Gender :
M |
F |
18 (82%) |
4 (18%) |
Current position:
For Profit |
Non-Profit |
Consultancy |
Academia |
Government Agency |
Other |
5 (23%) |
2 (9%) |
7 (32%) |
3 (14%) |
1 (4%) |
4 (18%) |
Currently active member of At-Large community
Y |
N |
6 (27%) |
16 (73%) |
Note from the Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chair of the BCEC
Staff contacted each non-completed SOI applicant prior the the deadline of 6 September to advise them how to complete their SOIs. In addition, some SOI applicants have had extensive Q&A with staff and/or myself providing them with much additional information on completing their SOIs.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr, 20 September 2010
Call for Applicants
The Call for Applicants for the position of At-Large Director was sent out on July 21st, 2010 in English , French and Spanish .
The application period will remain open until September 6th, 2010 at 2359 UTC.
Online Statement of Interest
The online Statement of Interest is available in English, French and Spanish under:
You can also review is as a PDF document in English , French and Spanish .
ICANN Board of Directors - Fiduciary Responsibilities, Conflits, and Confidentiality
Presentation given on the Board Director responsabilities by John Jeffrey, General Counsel, ICANN
Information on the At-Large Board Director Selection Process
Note from the BCEC
5 November 2010
The BCEC would like to note the extraordinarily high standard of all the conforming applicant Statements of Interest (SoIs) received, as evidenced in the extracted SoI details published.
- The Round 1 selection was done by assigning random numbering to the SoI, that had personal identifiers removed. The information associated with and measurable against the key (desirable) criteria already established by the community for the role was worked with by the BCEC, this resulted in a numerically ranked listing of the 22 SoI's listed in the table below.
- A numerical value of scoring that reached over 70% of the total score possible was used to mark/establish a cut-off point above which SOI's were selected to progress from Round 1 to the Round 2 list. Names were associated with the SOIs at this stage.
- All SoI applicants remaining in the consideration pool after the Round 1 were sent permission/ consent forms by the 3rd party company contracted by ICANN to undertake Due Diligence, so that the process of Due Diligence could begin. Due Diligence from private or public record sources has begun by the consultant firm engaged by ICANN to undertake this task on all shortlisted SOI applicants and should be completed well before At-Large's electoral processes are undertaken. * Please note: One Round 2 applicant who was sent the forms twice, did not receive the their Due Diligence Consent form until after publication of the BCEC's final shortlisted slate. The candidate has rectified the situation by signing and returning their consent form, and should this candidate be added to the slate by RALO petition process, there will be no delay from this regrettable situation.
- All References from Round 2, were written to and a standard feedback form was used to elicit responses and reference opinion, and a phone call alternate was offered to all listed referees... (note most reference responses were received within 36 hrs of the request for feedback being received many within the first few hours.
- The BCEC reports to At-Large that of this Round 2 list, two of the applicants hold current positions in the ALAC, three do not. One applicant was female and all references received were positive and confirmed the applicants’ stated capabilities, experience and skill sets as outlined in their SoI's highlighting and or recommending how each applicant was a suitable and satisfactory to be considered as a final slate candidate.
- Round 2 deliberations were conducted from a fresh or zero sum scoring on criteria and additional criteria and discussion points to establish the selection of the best possible applicants for inclusion on the slate occurred. Note: The perspective was of the final slate from the BCEC, not of the larger picture of the ICANN Board of Directors. Gender was not considered in these deliberations by the BCEC which was itself gender balanced.
- BCEC released a final slate of three names; The BCEC wishes to assure the At-Large Community that should a larger slate of more than three (up to seven) candidates have been intended, it would have been more than happy to put forward all of the names remaining after round 2 deliberations and did discuss a list slate list of the top 5, but it had established an aim of releasing only three, as sizes of slate larger increases the likelihood of additional vote rounds being required., resources and time commitments.
Finally, regarding a concern over whether equitable assistance was offered to all applicants in completing their SoIs, the BCEC wish to point out that a special mailing list ( was created and announced in both the SoIs and all public announcements on the call for applicants with the express aim of offering assistance to any applicant who wished. The BCEC, in collaboration with At-Large staff, responded to every request. At-Large staff also followed up with every applicant that submitted an incomplete SoI.
Results of RALO Petition Process
The petition process by the RALOs closed 7 November. The results of the petition process are:
AFRALO: No Petition
APRALO: Petition for Avri Doria, Jean Jacques Subrenat and Danny Younger
EURALO: Petition for Avri Doria and Jean Jacques Subrenat
LACRALO: No Petition
NARALO: No Petition
The rules for petition support state at least 3 RALOs must support a petition for the candidate to be added to the slate of candidates. As this did not occur, no petition applicants will be added to the candidate slate.
The table below will be completed with the names of the 22 applicants as well as the BCEC selected slate of 3-7 candidates on 28 October 2010.
Name |
Country of Citizenship |
Country of Residence |
Email Address |
Public Information from SOI |
List of Candidates on Slate(in alphabetical order by family name) |
Sébastien Bachollet |
France |
France |
Atlarge[at] |
Pierre Dandjinou |
Benin |
Benin |
Pdandjinou[at] |
Alan Greenberg |
Canada |
Canada |
alan.greenberg[at] |
List of Remaining Applicants(in alphabetical order by family name) |
Ahmad Al‐Shagra (Update: This applicant's SOI was withdrawn from consideration by the BCEC prior to the first round of evaluations due to it being incomplete. It was posted here by administrative error.) |
Iraq |
Oman |
ahmad[at] |
Bob Bernatz |
Bob[at] |
Robert Bruen |
Icann[at] |
Rudi Daniel |
St Vincent and the Grenadines and UK |
St Vincent and the Grenadines |
rudi.daniel[at] |
Avri Doria |
USA and Israeli |
USA and Sweden |
Avri[at] |
Ratnesh Dwivedi |
India |
No response |
rdx_5k2000[at] |
Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos |
Portugal |
Portugal |
Ngarcia[at] |
At-Large Director Applicant - Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos.pdf |
Okore George |
Kenyan |
Kenya |
Getsaid[at] |
Tommy Hemmingsson |
Sweden |
Sweden and South Africa |
Mail[at] |
Rahman Khan |
Bangladesh |
Bangladesh |
rahman.khan.john[at] |
Natalie Knesek |
Lemondrops[at] |
Sundar Kshatriya |
India |
India |
Sskshatriy[at] |
Thomas Morgan |
New Zealand |
New Zealand |
Thomasgpmorgan[at] |
Jordi Palet Martinez |
Spain |
Spain |
jordi.palet[at] |
Maria Shkarlat |
USA and Ukraine |
USA and Ukraine |
shkarlat.maria[at] |
Patricia Smith |
No response |
Patwsmith[at] |
Jean‐Jacques Subrenat |
France |
France |[at] |
Kamukoko Tshimanga |
South Africa |
Christshimka[at] |
Danny Younger |
dannyyounger[at] |
John Yunker |
No response |
Jyunker[at] |
2010 At-Large Board Director Candidate Selection diagram
At-Large Candidate Selection Process 2010 Diagram.pdf
A detailed description of the At-Large Board Director process can be found in the recently published report to the Board Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) .
The At-Large Director Selection Workspace includes information related to the development of the White Paper on the Selection of an At-Large Board Member as well as the workspaces of the At-Large Board Director Selection design team (ABSdt) and the BCEC (BCEC).
Time-line of the At-Large Board Director Selection*
* Please note that petition by RALOs now has a closing date of 7 November.
28 October: BCEC to announce slate of 3-7 candidates and SOI details;
28 October - 15 November: Campaigning period for candidates;
On or before 7 November: RALO petition processes to be completed;
12 - 15 November (early UTC time on ): A community call with the final slate of candidates will be held;
15 - 22 November (RALOs can extend this until 25 November if desired) : RALO discussions on candidates
22 - 25 November: First round of online voting on final slate of candidates;
26 – 28 November: Second round of online voting on final slate of candidates (only if necessary)
10 December: Successful candidate takes seat on ICANN Board.
Board Resolution regarding the Bylaws changes creating a Seat 15 on the Board of Directors, selected by the At-Large Community
During its meeting of 28 October 2010, the ICANN Board of Directors unanimously voted to approve a resolution regarding the Bylaws changes creating a Seat 15 on the Board of Directors, selected by the At-Large Community.
Click here to view the Resolution in full.
At-Large Director Appointment Process
See this section to participate in the design of a process for selecting a voting ICANN Board Director by the At-Large community
le theme de ce premier groupe est tres signicatif dans la mission que nous nous sommes assigne notamment la participation effective des utilisateurs Internet dans les activites d'Icann et ,en correlation, la bonne information des differents acteurs au niveau local , national , sous regional et regional.
Avec les autres plates formes telle que Afrinic, Aftld, Isoc.. pour ne citer que cela , il faudra ameliorer les mecanismes d'information entre Icann et ces plates formes.
les activites d'Icann ne sont pas encore tres bien comprises par les decideurs politiques en afrique, plus particulierement, en RDCongo.
Pour susciter plus d'engouement autour des activites Icann, j'ai pense initie une academie des TIC qui a pour role principal de recenser les meilleures pratiques des TIC qui seront primes tout en mettant a la disposition des jeunes un laboratoire des TIC pour developper leur talent.
Pour qu'il y ait un veritable dialogue de qualite, il faut satisfaire certaines preoccupations de l'heure pour ensuite recevoir les feedbakcs necessaires concernant l'usage de l'internet.
Au niveau local et national, cette demarche est capitale.Dans cette optique, nous pouvons arriver a capitaliser cette initiative sur le plan sous regional et,eventuellement, regional.
les plate formes comme Isoc, Afrinic... sont bien indiquees mais le RALO doit davantage etre plus actif c'est a dire que le RALO doit devoir travailler en etroite collaboration avec les ALS.Ce qui , progressivement, devra preparer des interlocuteurs de qualite dans les rencontres At large.
english version
the topic of this first group is very meansfully in view that we are assigns in particular the effective participation of Internet users in Icann activities and, in correlation, to publish an objective information of various actors at the local, national, sub regional and regional level . Withother plate forms such Afrinic, Aftld, ISOC. to quote only that, information mechanisms must to be improved between Icann and those plate forms. Icann activities are not yet very well understood by political decision makers in Africa, more particularly, in DRCongo. To call their mind around the Icann activities, I initiates ICT academy which has as a main role to identify ICT best practices which will be awarded and set on ICT laboratory for youth to develop their skills. To get dialogue of quality, it is necessary to satisfy their needs and to receive a constructive contribution relating Internet users. At local and national level, this step is capital. Accordingly, this initiative can be capitalized on sub regional and, eventually, on regional level . Platforms like ISOC, Afrinic… are well indicated but the RALO must be more active to work in close cooperation with the ALS. What, gradually, will have to prepare interlocutors of quality in At large meetings.
contributed by on 2009-02-02 10:19:47 GMT
Version castellana por Sylvia Herlein Leite:
El Grupo de Trabajo 1 debe preparar una declaración en la que se espera se incorporen las opiniones de la comunidad en general con respecto a la participación de los usuarios finales de Internet en la labor de la ICANN.
Los debates sobre At-Large en general y su relación con las otras partes de ICANN, y otras comunidades de ICANN, siempre ha sido realizado, pero tal vez es más actual ahora que hace algunos años. Esto se debe en parte al proceso de revisión externa, en el que la Comisión Consultiva se encuentra en la actualidad y a las numerosas preguntas sobre el funcionamiento del ALAC y el resto de la comunidad de cómo se relacionan entre sí, y en otras partes de ICANN; son parte del seguimiento de la revisión independiente.
Al mismo tiempo, At-Large ha dicho a menudo que las necesidades de recursos para la participación de la sociedad civil en ICANN es fundamentalmente diferente, y más que requiere de la participación de otros grupos. Como muchos miembros de la comunidad de ICANN han hecho declaraciones acerca de la participación y la necesidad de que ICANN se concentre en diversos aspectos de la participación, la Junta de Directores de ICANN convocó un subcomité especial sobre participación.
En la reunión de la Ciudad de Mexico, el tema de la participación de diferentes maneras para distintas comunidades es probable que sea objeto de mucha discusión. Parte de ese debate se referirá al apoyo dado por ICANN para los gastos de viajes a otras comunidades. Por lo que se refiere a At-Large, ofertas específicas de intervención en los aspectos de la participación en general son realizados por el Staff de ICANN, y pueden encontrarse aquí: .org/2008q3/004599.html
contributed by on 2009-02-08 21:02:34 GMT
La participation suppose une comprehension des sujets traites. Il est vrai que beaucoup d'informations se trouvent sur le site d'ICANN mais l'utiisateur non averti, ne cherchera ce qu'il ne connait pas. Donc, la meilleure facon d'impliquer les utilisateurs est de les informer et les former sur les enjeux et les themes en cours. Les ALS devraient pouvoir jouer un role majeur dans ce contexte en menant des activites de sensibilisation et de formation au niveau local. Mais faut-il qu'elles en aient les moyens? Ces moyens sont a rechercher au niveau des partenaires qui les appuient mais aussi avec le soutien de ICANN. Des discussions autour de ces questions devraient nous permettre d'avancer et de proposer des solutions pour permettre a plus d'utilisateurs finaux de s'approprier des problematiques d'ICANN et participer a la definition des politiques.
Fatimata Seye Sylla
contributed by on 2009-02-09 17:13:44 GMT
Pour moi l’engagement et la participation des communautés passent par un certain intérêt aux différents sujets encours de discussion au niveau d’ICANN, et pour avoir des intérêts il faudra bien être informé des biens faits de l’ICANN par une grande campagne de sensibilisation au sein de tous les RALO à travers les ALS et dans leur langue.
Hawa Diakite
contributed by on 2009-02-10 16:53:57 GMT
As designated Chair into this WG: I want to say all of you, who are involved in At Large Communitty in ICANN, that we are open to receive his/her comments or documments in relation with this topic.
We are making the estrategy for year work, and in a few days more we will make an official communication.
I`m very glad to work in this WG and I hope will be a very good work togheter with all of you.
Carlos Aguirre - ALAC member by LAC region.
contributed by on 2009-12-21 22:20:31 GMT
We are working in this time, preparing the presentation for Nairobi meeting where we hope to show all of our done activities. We sent few days ago a first letter for at large community where ask for participation. We received only one input from Sudan by Mohamed Al Bashir. We are working in a new letter for a few days more triying to invite the At large community to participate again, but we are find some troubles in that participation and we hope to show the results of our investigation in Nairobi.
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre
Chair of Participation and Engagement in ICANN WG
contributed by on 2010-01-26 14:50:37 GMT
THis month we are working in the presentation for Nairobi meeting & receiving proposals about works to do in relation with this job. The participation is still poor but We are glad with some important & valuables comments received. We hope to can run with effectives proposal after Nirobi meeting and Contribute to improve the participation and consecuently the engagement in ICANN.
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre
Chair of Participation and Engagement in ICANN WG
contributed by on 2010-02-23 14:33:54 GMT
The Last 2 months were a kind of transition, on we were waiting comments, inputs or at least some participation in some sense. The reality shows a little or nul participation at least for this proposed work space.
Based on this response, we are thinking on the possibility to do a survey asking to the ALS`s what they think about, and what idea they have about participation, engagement, and what rol play in all of this the "outreach".
and what more they consider needed to improve a better participation, and what they are(ALS´s, ALS´s members, At large individuals participants,Regional Leaders and ALAC members) understanding like engagement.
We hoping to have the survey before the next teleconference and the results before the next Cartagena ICANN meeting.
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre
Chair of Participation and Engagement in ICANN WG
contributed by on 2010-07-26 13:42:58 GMT
Isn't this closed? Should the list of candidates be available now?
contributed by Guest User on Aug 26 6:26pm
Sep 6 is still a week away.
contributed by Joly MacFie on Aug 31 10:10am
It has been more than 48 hours since the close of the applications. Was there a problem in posting them - I see the note above that they will be published in October? Has the process, perhaps, been changed. If it has been changed, were all of those with incomplete applications notified? And what is the new process? Thanks.
contributed by avri doria on Sep 12 8:02am