ABSdt - Request from Danny Younger 29.10.10

ABSdt - Request from Danny Younger 29.10.10

Request from Danny Younger to the ABSdt sent 29 October 2010

Dear members of the At-Large Board Selection Design Team:

You will be meeting on 1 November to discuss the possibility of adjustments to the At-Large Director Selection timetable.  As of 1 November (per the current schedule) there will be 11 days remaining in the candidate campaign cycle.

I would like to draw your attention to some empirical data.

Perhaps you will recall the massive amount of outreach effort that was put into the At-Large Summit.  An At-Large Survey was prepared and sent out to the entire ALS community.  By the original survey deadline (11 days from the time the survey was sent), responses had only been received from 34 ALSs (less than 28%). 

When the Survey deadline was extended by another five days, the responses more than doubled (72 ALSs representing 59% of the ALS population).

In order to accommodate the pragmatic needs of our ALSs, we need to extend a sufficient amount of time so that they may receive, review and respond to the campaign material that they will receive. 

I remind you that all nineteen At-Large Director candidates not selected by the BCEC still have an opportunity to successfully petition three of the five RALOs for inclusion in the final ballot. Accordingly, the ALSs may have to sift through a fair amount of campaign material.

Also, please keep in mind that (per the Survey results) most ALSs only meet every 2-3 months. 

I ask you to do your best to ensure that a suitable and appropriate amount of time be set aside for the campaigning cycle.

Finally, for those of you that are students of history, please note that the last at-large election devoted an entire month to the voter education and dialogue phase.

URLS for reference:

1.  https://st.icann.org/data/workspaces/secretariat/attachments/at_large_survey_2010_workspace:20100625143218-0-6687/original/ALS_Survey_Analysis_2010.pdf

2.  http://members.icann.org/schedule.html

Thank you for your consideration of this issue.

Best wishes,

Danny Younger