At-Large GNSO Liaison

At-Large GNSO Liaison

How to Get Involved

The ALAC GNSO Liaison is elected by the ALAC itself. The current liaison is Cheryl Langdon-Orr.

If you wish to participate in this work and supporting efforts, please subscribe to the GNSO Liaison mailing list.

This page provides links and information about current topics in the GNSO which the At-Large community is following. You may also want to look at the GNSO's Homepage.

GNSO Liaison Reports

NCUC Liaison

The ALAC has appointed Carlos Aguirre as liaison to the Noncommercial Users Constituency (NCUC) of the GNSO. You can find information on his activities on the NCUC Liaison page of this site.

Current At-Large Working Groups Related to GNSO Work Programme

Domain Tasting

This is one of the big issues in all of ICANN at the moment. At-Large has taken the lead in the formal process which can begin a Policy Development Process at the GNSO by requesting an Issues Report be drawn up. You can find the request here: http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/msg03474.html. The report can be retrieved from the Domain Tasting Documents page.

The GNSO voted to begin a PDP during its meetings at the Los Angeles International Meeting - as a consequence, a new At-Large working group on the issue has been convened as decided by the ALAC in its Los Angeles meetings - all concerned community members are encouraged to join; more information can be found at the Domain Tasting page.


As one of the major areas of work for the ICANN communities in the medium to long-term, the decision to adopt the proposed new gTLDs process by the ICANN Board at the Los Angeles ICANN meeting has caused the creation of an At-large working group on the subject. Volunteers are needed; more information on the issue and the working group's activities can be found at the New GTLD Policy page. For in-depth review of the work leading up to the new GTLDs process as well as information on the subject, refer to the GNSO New gTLDs Committee page.

WHOIS Privacy

This policy area is covered by its own liaison - visit the At-Large Whois Policy page for further information.

Other Policy Development Activities in the GNSO

Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR) PDP

The PEDNR PDP was initiated through an ALAC request for Issues Report. The PDP has now issues an interim report and the following ALAC comment ion the report is proposed.

The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) requested the Issues Report which resulted in the Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery PDP, and it strongly supports the activities of the Working Group.

It is essential that the post-expiration “safety net” that existed several years ago be restored. Moreover, the domain industry is sufficiently robust and mature that it can and must provide a level of predictability and security to gTLD domain name holders.

In line with the desired outcomes stated in the original Issue Report request, the ALAC supports:

  1. Consensus policy requiring that all registrars must allow renewal of domain names for a reasonable amount of time after expiration.
  2. Consensus policy explicitly stating the minimum requirements for pre-expiration notices.
  3. Consensus policy requiring clarity of how messages will be sent.
  4. Consensus policy requiring that WHOIS contents to make it clear that a domain name has expired and has not yet been renewed by the registrant.
  5. Consensus policy requiring that notice(s) be sent after expiration.
  6. Consensus policy requiring that web sites (port 80) no longer can resolve to the original web site after expiration.
  7. Consensus policy requiring that other uses of the domain name (e-mail, FTP, etc.) no longer function after expiration.
  8. Consensus policy requiring clarity in the expiration terms and fees offered by registrars.
  9. Consensus policy requiring that the Redemption Grace Period be offered by all registries (including future gTLDs) and by all registrars.

It is understood that there may be unusual cases where the business models of some registrars may require exceptions to some of these policies. However, the need for such exceptions should not deny the vast majority of registrants a predictable and safe gTLD eco-system.

Over and above these minimum requirements, the ALAC supports a move within the registrar community to establish the meaningful and transparent concept of “best practices”.

DRAFT ALAC Comment on the Policy Development Process Work Team Initial Report and Draft Recommendations

The ALAC appreciates the enormous task taken on by the Work Team and is suitably impressed with the 150 page of thoughtful deliberations in Interim Report.

The ALAC supports the efforts of the Work Team and offers comments on four specific issues:

Recommendation 15 – Fast Track Process

The PDP process must be able to deal with enormously complex issues. However, there are also issues which are simpler and potentially those that need urgent attention. For these latter classes of PDP, the ALAC supports the development of a streamlined process which will require less volunteer and staff time, and less elapsed time.

Recommendation 21 – AC/SO Input into the Policy Development Process

Over the last several years, the GNSO has voluntarily included the ALAC and At-Large into its various policy development and other activities. Such involvement has been equally beneficial to both the GNSO and to At-large. It is encouraging to see that such cooperation is being contemplated on a more formal basis and will be institutionalized.

Stage 3 – Working Group

The GNSO has been using Working Groups for several years as was mandated in the GNSO reform process. Some of these Working Groups have performed well, and others less so. A number of recent PDPs have in fact stressed the WG model. Prior to formally institutionalizing the model, it may be appropriate for the PDP WT to undertake or commission a review of whether the WG model is in fact optimal for addressing PDP issues.

Recommendation 39 – Reports to the Board

In line with a recent ALAC/NCSG statement on the Transparency of Staff Documents (http://www.atlarge.icann.org/announcements/announcement-20may10-en.htm), the ALAC strongly supports this recommendation. It is essential that a PDP WG and the GNSO know exactly how their work products are being presented to the Board prior to the Board discussing the results of any PDP.

Policies for Contractual Conditions, Existing gTLDs

Protection of the Rights of Others Working Group report from 2007.

GNSO Liaison Documents

_This page is also linked from the central ALAC documents navigation page.

VeriSign Domain Name Exchange Service

GNSO Prioritization Recommendations

GNSO CCT Recommendations