At-Large Registrants Rights and Responsibilities Documents
At-Large Registrants Rights and Responsibilities Documents
- Final Report onProposals for Improvements to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement - May 2012
- RAA Amendment Proposals - February 2010
- Non-Lawyers' Guide to the May 2009 Registrar Accreditation Agreement - February 2010
- Registrar Accreditation Agreement - May 2009
- RAA Negotiations Community WIKI
- History of Efforts of Registrars to establish Code of Conduct (Written by Danny Younger)
- ICANN Staff Analysis of RAA Amendments in Section F of the October 2007 Staff Synthesis Paper
- ALAC Statement to the Board of ICANN on the RAA Negotiation (17 September 2007) (EN) - The statement is a product of the RRR working group.
- ALAC Statement on RAA Amendments (AL.ALAC/ST.0808/2)*
- Comment on Initial Report on Proposals for Improving the RAA