Monthly Reports At-Large Engagement WG
2010 Reports
March 2010 Report
During the last month of february 2010 the Working Group was working in read and study the huge quantity of information collected about participation and engagement, and trying to identify the new possibilities to explore, in order to improve the situation of the participation in ALAC and in ICANN as a totality.
All of information achieved during the investigation and the added for public comments, became a presentation made and wich was presented on march sunday 06 at ICANN Nairobi meeting.
alacworkinggroups:At this presentation, made by our Chair Carlos Dionisio Aguirre, we expressed our points of view and comments about this matter and also we expressed our concerns related with some wrong attitudes wich are not find solution yet.
In the same presentation, we have identified like a problem the languaje issue, a problem wich continue in the time, due to lack of budget mentioned by responsibles of this task.
Also, we have identified like an advantage the excellent politic of podcasts, wich means an important improvement in th fight against the lack of participation.
Another point of our presentation was constituted by the required action in the field of outreach, and this outreach, need first " in-reach" for the all ALS's, and regional leaders.
So, at the end, the first conclusion of the first part of our work was identify actions taken and needed, and fix like key words "outreach" and .
2009 Reports
This comment intent to be a kind of monthly report, but the reality show that the participation, even inside of this WG, still is very reduced and with a lack of knowledge about what is necessary to improve, or how we can do a better job. Our comments during ICANN Nairobi meeting are ratified permanently in each fora where we go, but result impossible to do something without an specific budget or having some tools to make outreach.
In our first call to participation, we ask comments in any languaje, with a compromise to translate it, and after that give a prompt and complete response. comments were "zero". The Senior Manager of participation implemented some webinars (very important initiative), but always only in english.- We want to give a real importance Outreach to all people and not only for whom speack one languaje.So, and summarizing, the situation it`s really difficult, and in some moment we are thinking to share this space with the Outreach WG inside ALAC, because we feel, without Outreach and previous Knowledge, the participation and much more, the engagement, is very complicated to get.
Our next intent to get some participation will be make a second call for participation following the rules of GNSO for WG, and try to achieved some new ideas in order to put on th engine of participation. Also send to every ALS leader the invitation to design one member of it ALS to work with us in this WG. We expect to start with this work next month with staff support if it possible.
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre -
contributed by on 2010-05-24 15:14:34 GMT