At-Large Technology Taskforce 2014-09-08 Action Items
Action Items :
Dev to create a table evaluating group chat applications and come up with a feature set and key differences.
Ongoing Action Items
AI (ongoing):GC to test wiki translate plugins on Android platfoms
AI (partially completed): Reminder to be sent by Dev to TTF members to look at contents of the Ideas for Improving the Organisation of the At Large content wiki page: Ideas for improving the organisation of At-Large content and leave comments. Upon approval by TTF members, notice for comments to be sent out to ALAC members, RALOs and staff.
AI: (ongoing): Send to RALOs list of webconferencing features
AI Glenn and Judith to liaise with differently abled members of VIBUG and ISOC Disability Chapter to help with evaluating group chat once a group chat has been selected and Adobe Connect room as a whole.
Seun and Nathalie to test Jappix before the next TTF call on the 25th August. (call tbc)