At-Large Technology Taskforce 2014-07-28 AC Transcript

At-Large Technology Taskforce 2014-07-28 AC Transcript

Adobe Connect room chat (HipChat transcript below)

Nathalie  Peregrine: (7/28/2014 15:36) Dear all, welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce Working Group call on the 28th July 2014

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:37) Agenda page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/_fvuBQ

  Judith Hellerstein: (16:00) Hi all

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:01) HipChat room link for testing today: www.hipchat.com/gAy0hFh3D

  Glenn: (16:01) hi

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:01) Hello!

  Glenn: (16:02) Hi

  Juan Manuel Rojas: (16:02) Hi everyone

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:02) Hello

  Judith Hellerstein: (16:03) Did you hear me

  Juan Manuel Rojas: (16:03) Did you hear me? I am using AC mic

  Judith Hellerstein: (16:04) usually my mike has not been working with adobe for some reason

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:04) Action items 21 April 2014: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/TvjuBQ

  Glenn: (16:04) Working  fine 

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:07) Previous Action Items: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EPvuBQ

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:08) Please remember to mute your AC mics to avoid background noise, we are hearing typing

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:13) https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99545375/Ideas+for+improving+the+organisation+of+At-Large+content

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:14) https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99625006/Group+Chat

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:14) Webconferencing soluitions V

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:14) https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/a-fvBQ

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:15) HipChat room link for testing today: www.hipchat.com/gAy0hFh3D

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:15) Beran Gillen has joined the call

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:17) we;re muting Beran

  Glenn: (16:17) iyes

  Judith Hellerstein: (16:19) yes but when in the session you do not see the chats that happened before you join

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:20) that is a HipChat caracteristic which tyou can unclick

  Glenn: (16:21) I dont  see the  three folders on the  right

  Judith Hellerstein: (16:21) but will that work if you joined the chat after the link was posted

  Juan Manuel Rojas: (16:22) It is only for admins.. I cant't see them

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:23) @ all, if you chat in the HipChat room, Dev will be able to read your comments, as he is screensharing, he cannot see the AC room chat

  Judith Hellerstein: (16:23) thanks

  Glenn: (16:24) @juan   I dont' see these  either

  Glenn: (16:38) Error  message in Hiphop

  Glenn: (16:38) An account has already been created using that email address.

  Glenn: (16:38) Since I have an account already

  Glenn: (16:38) @judith you are in the full room?

  Glenn: (16:47) Trying to load on Android  but not loading

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:47) Next one to test is https://hall.com/

  Glenn: (16:51) Hall looks  alot like SLACK

  Judith Hellerstein: (16:53) @Dev and Nathalie. Can you make sure my name is on the task force

  Judith Hellerstein: (16:53) I did not seem to get the email invite

  Judith Hellerstein: (16:54) yes

  Juan Manuel Rojas: (16:54) I would like to Join in me to Social Media WG

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (16:54) I've been on the call for 10 minutes

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:54) noted

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (16:54) couldn't fire up AC for some reason...

  Juan Manuel Rojas: (16:54) Thank you very much

  Judith Hellerstein: (16:54) yes. we saw you on the hip chat

  Glenn: (16:56) My suggestion is  the  followup on the  issues  facing the  Disabled and Special Needs /Accessibility Working Group  links  back and forth.  Unfortunately we didn't have a  meeting in London and no monthly calls

  Glenn: (16:57) We need to develop a  list of technology solutions  expecially for the disabled and provide  feedback to group.    ISOC  policy people are also working on this

  Juan Manuel Rojas: (16:57) +1 Glenn

  Glenn: (16:58) We also wanted to test before  London the  online polling features in Adobe  as well

  Glenn: (17:00) Its  not an overload  of emails

  Judith Hellerstein: (17:00) Hi Dev. I got to go to another meeting

  Glenn: (17:00) its an issue of relevance

  Glenn: (17:06) Thanks  Dev

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:07) Take care Judith

  Gordon Chillcott: (17:08) Sorry, but I'm being called away from the meeting now.   Have a good day, all.

  Glenn: (17:10) Notes of our  meeting with  ICANN

  Glenn: (17:10) Looking at tools and stakeholders to develop tools.The ICANN website has vast volumes of content. The taxonomy is important. Challenges include searchability and accessibility. Wants advisory group of people with disability to test tools for accessibility. (Laura Bengford)Achieving accessibility in a mature product is more problematic than designing for accessibility from the start. Need to create incentives for business to go down path of accessibility. If customer sets requirements, web designers will do accessible websites.

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:10) Ashwin Rangan : https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2014-03-03-en

  Juan Manuel Rojas: (17:12) Take Care. thanks DEv

HipChat chat transcript:


HipChat Test




You joined the room


Monday July 28, 2014



1:56 PM

Glenn McKnight joined the room.



Glenn McKnight

1:56 PM

testing site today



nathalie peregrine

1:57 PM

Hello Glenn,thanks for logging on,we'll be testing this during the TTF call in 2 hours!



Glenn McKnight

1:57 PM

I thought it was in one hour



nathalie peregrine

1:58 PM

It is at 14:00 UTC so in 2 hours.



Glenn McKnight

1:59 PM

link here


says  9 am



nathalie peregrine

2:01 PM

I m sorry Glenn,but the link both on the email invitation and on the wiki page are correct for me and the call is in 2 hours,which timezone are you referring to?



Glenn McKnight

2:02 PM

i am using the link in the  email to the  alternative  times and it says  9 am


I noticed it has  CDT  time  

I am on EDT



nathalie peregrine

2:03 PM

Glenn,when I open the link it opens to the time and date page with several cities on,and several have 9 am on. Where are you based at the moment so I can check?



Glenn McKnight

2:04 PM

I noticed  the  CDT  and  I changed the city to Toronto  

It is at 10 now

it was defaulting to another  time zone



nathalie peregrine

2:04 PM

Toronto for me says 10:00 am



Glenn McKnight

2:04 PM

I am checking out the  product now  before the call



nathalie peregrine

2:05 PM

ok great



Glenn McKnight

2:10 PM


Seeing how  this handles  attachments



nathalie peregrine

2:11 PM




Glenn McKnight

2:11 PM

this is  a  heritage pig from the War Time Victory Garden in Botley,UK



nathalie peregrine

2:12 PM

I tested it earlier and depending on how hefty the attachment of course,it deals with them quite well,in all formats I testes



nathalie peregrine

2:12 PM




nathalie peregrine

2:12 PM

And it'[s a very handsome beast!




3:45 PM

Juan Manuel Rojas joined the room.



Juan Manuel Rojas

3:46 PM

Good morning/afternoon/night to everyone!



nathalie peregrine

3:51 PM




Juan Manuel Rojas

3:51 PM

Hi Nathalie..




3:55 PM

Glenn McKnight left the room.




3:59 PM

Juan Manuel Rojas left the room.




3:59 PM

Gordon Chillcott joined the room.



Gordon Chillcott

4:00 PM

Interesting.  Didn't work this well on Android - mind you,I was using the browser.  The App is probably better




4:01 PM

Glenn McKnight joined the room.



Glenn McKnight

4:01 PM




Gordon Chillcott

4:01 PM

Morning Glenn



Glenn McKnight

4:01 PM

Morning  Gordon

Was at the iETF  last week in Toronto with Evan




4:05 PM

Dev Anand Teelucksingh joined the room.



Dev Anand Teelucksingh

4:05 PM

Hello everyone



Glenn McKnight

4:15 PM





4:16 PM

Judith Hellerstein joined the room.



Glenn McKnight

4:17 PM




Judith Hellerstein

4:18 PM


Yes in adobe connect we are seeing your screen



Glenn McKnight

4:20 PM

test  url




Juan Manuel Rojas

4:20 PM

This is only chat



Glenn McKnight

4:20 PM

How about  recording  session ,ie  audio and  transcript



nathalie peregrine

4:20 PM

that is correct Dev



Dev Anand Teelucksingh

4:22 PM


This the place to enter text :)



Glenn McKnight

4:23 PM


file test



Judith Hellerstein

4:23 PM

Yes but this seems only for admins.  I do not see links or the other stuff you mentioned



Juan Manuel Rojas

4:24 PM

I have none of these options...

because I am a guest

I supposse



Judith Hellerstein

4:24 PM

where is the lobby?



Gordon Chillcott

4:25 PM





4:25 PM

Juan Manuel Rojas joined the room.



Juan Manuel Rojas

4:25 PM

There is no lobby..




4:26 PM

Glenn McKnight left the room.




4:26 PM

Judith Hellerstein left the room.



Dev Anand Teelucksingh

4:26 PM

Reload the browser



nathalie peregrine

4:26 PM

The url is an invite to one room only



Judith Hellerstein

4:26 PM

reloaded and all the chats disapeared



nathalie peregrine

4:26 PM

that does not make them users to all the rooms on my account Dev



Gordon Chillcott

4:26 PM

I had t he same result as Judith



Glenn McKnight

4:26 PM

On right  side  the  files,people and links  is missing



nathalie peregrine

4:27 PM

@ Judith,that is a setting that can be fixe



nathalie peregrine

4:27 PM




Glenn McKnight

4:27 PM

On left  we only have the one list



Juan Manuel Rojas

4:27 PM

So do I



Glenn McKnight

4:29 PM

I have a account  

During the 30-day free trial you can take advantage of all our Plus features, like:

1-to-1 video chat and screen sharing
Unlimited file sharing
Any time during the trial you can enter your credit card information to keep using HipChat Plus for $2/user/month.



Gordon Chillcott

4:31 PM

I noticed - they seem to have their platforms well covered.



Judith Hellerstein

4:31 PM

so if atlarge became a member than we get full privileges



Glenn McKnight

4:31 PM

I joined  

You need to add me to the team



Judith Hellerstein

4:32 PM

Gordon looks like he has an account as well a Nathalie



Gordon Chillcott

4:32 PM

Acually,no,I don't.  Yet,anyway.



Judith Hellerstein

4:33 PM

weird. you are both circles and glenn ,juan,and I are people



Gordon Chillcott

4:33 PM

Very weird indeed.    I see everyone but Dev and Nathalie as people.  



Juan Manuel Rojas

4:35 PM

I already create an account...




4:37 PM

Judith Hellerstein joined the room.



Glenn McKnight

4:38 PM

error  message

An account has already been created using that email address.



Juan Manuel Rojas

4:38 PM

I had to put another email



Judith Hellerstein

4:38 PM

i just joined thru your link and now I see the whole chat history



Juan Manuel Rojas

4:38 PM

I am on Test Room




4:38 PM

Juan Manuel Rojas joined the room.




4:39 PM

Juan Manuel Rojas left the room.



Juan Manuel Rojas

4:39 PM

Done! I could see now all chat log



Glenn McKnight

4:40 PM

Since I have a email already its  a problem joinig



Juan Manuel Rojas

4:40 PM

I had to use another email to accept.. but I now see Lobby...




4:41 PM

Glenn McKnight joined the room.



Glenn McKnight

4:41 PM

joined  with another  email

with two  citations




Gordon Chillcott

4:41 PM

Have we answered Glenn's question about recording?



Juan Manuel Rojas

4:42 PM

I closed Guest Session



Judith Hellerstein

4:42 PM

OK I also closed it




4:42 PM

Judith Hellerstein left the room.



Gordon Chillcott

4:43 PM

Otherwise, this thing ain't bad . . .



Dev Anand Teelucksingh

4:45 PM

Indeed,desktop notifications work - there is also a native client for Windows



Judith Hellerstein

4:45 PM

Glenn you are still on twice

I am using it on firefox for mac




4:46 PM

Olivier Crépin-Leblond joined the room.



Judith Hellerstein

4:46 PM

adobe connect works well with safari



Juan Manuel Rojas

4:46 PM

I allowed desktop notifications and it works well.. I use Linux..



Olivier Crépin-Leblond

4:46 PM

Hello all -- apologies for being so late



nathalie peregrine

4:46 PM

HipChat says Safari,Chrome and Firefox all good browsers for this



Judith Hellerstein

4:46 PM

yes it does

Hi Olivier

so should we drop out of hipchat



Gordon Chillcott

4:47 PM

What's the name again?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh

4:47 PM
