At-Large Metrics WG AC Chat EN 2014.03.04
Julia Charvolen: (3/3/2014 23:12) Welcome to the At-Large Metrics Working Group call on Tuesday 04 Marche 2014 at 1700 UTC
Julia Charvolen: (23:13) Agenda:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (3/4/2014 08:59) ALAC Metrics attendance spreadsheet :
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (09:03) Count persons participation in a conference call :
Darlene Thompson: (09:03) Forgot me, I think.
baudouin schombe: (09:05) hi all, good evening
Maureen Hilyard: (09:06) Sorry I have been working on ideas but haven't had a chance to put it on the wiki page
Maureen Hilyard: (09:09) Dev you can go first
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (09:13) I strongly suspect Mareen that the page as yet does not exist ... but trust it will soon
Susie Johnson: (09:14) @Darlene: apologies
Maureen Hilyard: (09:15) I like the idea of a graphic of attendance is the record that the community sees - more meaningful for them than the actual stats..but that would be helpful to those who need to know this information
Oksana Prykhodko: (09:17) Great job, Dev!
Darlene Thompson: (09:17) That's AMAZING - well done, Dev!
Maureen Hilyard: (09:18) Brilliant Dev - such a lot of work
Heidi Ullrich: (09:30) @Alan, not counting interventions of less than 10 words or even 5 may not be the way to go: eg: I think this won't work (5 very important words!)...
Heidi Ullrich: (09:31) @Cheryl, who will be producing the charts/counting the participation?
baudouin schombe: (09:35) I have liked but my English is not very rich and I may produce against meaning
Heidi Ullrich: (09:36) Thanks, Dev!!
Heidi Ullrich: (09:37) We all want it to be done automatically
Alan Greenberg: (09:38) My intervention count comment was based on what I could see on the screen, which happened to miss me (scrolled off bottom). The cound of non-OCL interventions was 67. So Olivier is still shown as counting 1.5 times for every other interventions. Still something funny.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (09:39) in that text file, Oliver has 100 interventions
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (09:40)
Alan Greenberg: (09:40) Correct. And 67 for all others (if I added correctly). Thus 1.5:1
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (09:40) ah, yes indeed
Alan Greenberg: (09:42) Interesting question. Would anyone want their day-job work performance evaluations to be done by automated tools? (yes, I know I am being a trouble maker!)
Alan Greenberg: (09:44) I think that we currently tend to record attendance based on language channel.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (09:45) Yes, so I had to copy multiple lines into one cell
Maureen Hilyard: (09:46) Sometimes the chat can be important - especially when a vote is being asked for - it is good to have the motion written down so that everyone knows exactly what they are voting for.. its a backup
baudouin schombe: (09:48) +1 Maureen
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (09:49) indeed Darleen
Silvia Vivanco: (09:49) @ Darlene, from staff perspective I can tell you we have a lot of input in written form in the chat
Maureen Hilyard: (09:52) When we have a vote in the ALAC meeting..people use the "raise hand" which can't be recorded
Darlene Thompson: (09:53) I was thinking about that, too, Maureen.
Maureen Hilyard: (09:53) although participation is recorded in the voting details foloowing the vote
Alan Greenberg: (09:56) According to Adobe connect help, any host can turn on timestamps. I do seem to recall that they take up vertical space though. Could a host turn it on here?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (10:00) not this host as I could but limited in the use of app
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (10:00) Dev/ Heidi?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:01) I suspect it can't be turned on mid-meeting,
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (10:01) @Mareen re the raise hand in votes that is why staff now record that formally...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (10:03) but for consensus one the Chair or meeting lead declairs it that should be enough we might need to formalise that they DO that though... In Service try will of course be required for all of this to effect change anyway
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:04) However, as you mentioned, Cheryl, the transcripts aren't timestamped (there is a timestamp mentioned when the transcribers are unable to transcribe the audio) - so how would timestamps in AC chat help?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (10:05) @dev I also said we could get the transcripts time stamped even in time blocks :-)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:06) yes, I agree, its a comment I submitted to language services some time ago
Darlene Thompson: (10:06) Its not just important for the reasons that Maureen is saying but these are elected positions and the RALOs need to know.
Susie Johnson: (10:06) @ Dev, datestamp on
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:07) Ah, I stand corrected
Alan Greenberg: (10:07) yes, timestaps (per intervention or oversy so often) wouldbe useful as well. Timestamps do help with MP3.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (10:07) well as one who like Alan also uses recordings as reference ... that would be a godsend:-) :-) :-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (10:07) thanks Susie
Alan Greenberg: (10:09) :-)
Maureen Hilyard: (10:22) Exactly Tijani.. this is a recommendaton that we are taking to the members for further consultation. I'm completely Ok with that.
Heidi Ullrich: (10:25) +1 Silvia! In fact, while on this call, I've been doing reporting similar to what you are discussing ;)
Maureen Hilyard: (10:25) Thats great to hear Silvia
Heidi Ullrich: (10:26) ALL: Susie has note that one way a speaker that does not state their name is noted is: Unidentified Participant
Maureen Hilyard: (10:29) Not my exact words abot parameters, but OK
Maureen Hilyard: (10:30) Parameters are very much indicative in the attendance sheet records.. but parameters do not really measure the quality of someones input
Maureen Hilyard: (10:34) Yes Cheryl and Alan.. perhaps the wording of the parameters need to be altered slightly
Heidi Ullrich: (10:35) Metrics Update in Singapore: Sunday: At-Large Metrics Working Group Update - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (15:15-15:30)
Maureen Hilyard: (10:35) LOL Susie
Silvia Vivanco: (10:37) Will do right after this call Cheryl
Maureen Hilyard: (10:38) Ill probably change some items in the final powerpoint for presentation in Singapore based on todays discussion
Heidi Ullrich: (10:40) 60 mins or 90 mins, CLO?
Silvia Vivanco: (10:40) 90 mins
Heidi Ullrich: (10:41) +1 CLO - thanks all!!!!
Heidi Ullrich: (10:41) I'm in awe of you ;)
baudouin schombe: (10:41) thanks so too much
Maureen Hilyard: (10:41) +1 Heidi about Cheryl.. she's a real role model
Heidi Ullrich: (10:41) @ Maureen, I meant all of you :)
baudouin schombe: (10:42) I've learned many thigns in this meeting
Susie Johnson: (10:42) Thank you.
baudouin schombe: (10:42) bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:42) Thanks everyone! Take care all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (10:42) bye all thank you...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (10:42) call is now ended