New gTLDs WG Summary minutes 04-06-2012

New gTLDs WG Summary minutes 04-06-2012

Summary Minutes and Action Items
Monday 04 June 2012

1. Review of Agenda (5 min) - Avri
2. Roll call (5 min) - Staff
3. Preparation of Prague Meetings (5 min) Staff
Monday meeting agenda:  At-Large Meetings - Monday, 25 June 2012
AD: First item: I have requested that Kurt or someone be there, to help advise as to how to proceeed at the end of the process? Staff has done an immense amount to help. But at no point has there been a discussion with Kurt indicating what has to be done at the end of the objection period. Are we still dealing with 1 objection period and not 3? Once we've done the objection period, what interactions might there be? Kurt could come in and have a conversation on that and on other sub topics. Any comments on this as an Agenda Item?
Second item: Update on applicant support, Kurt & Karla have been asked to give an update over the course of the first batch. Some clarifications need to be made.
Third Item: New gTLD roll out issue
How to we get volunteers to take responsability for topics and help them through?
DA: Will the Independent Objector be in Prague? Is there a need for the new gTLD WG to meet with the IO?
AD :would this be the whole gTLD or the review group? It is worth finding out if he'll be there and invite him to the second meeting and not to the first, a Meet a Greet and talk about relationship between IO and the group and the process. Second meeting is joint and open, going over issues with the process,  and what their next steps are. Meeting should become a WG meeting.
TBJ: Dev has an important point. We need to establish a relationship with IO and review group.
AM: do we have a clear stance as to what the exact role of the IO will be, where does it begin  where does it end? Something like a working book?
AD: There does not seem to be anything outside of the applicant guidebook.
HX: IO is suppport to objection process, people do not have ressources to submit application. It is a support to the At-Large community.
AD: Heidi has a question about inviting Michael Salazar, new gTLD Program director to be invited.
HU: I can ask him.
AD: On the first meeting for roll out issues, but both would be handy
AD; Any news on hotel re bookings via the ICANN website? I am in hotel 45 mins away.
More discussion on hotel distances and cab fares from venue.

Applicant support Program
GNSO meeting is this Thursday. Avri asked an update, the issue centers around the role of the[[CMR]., they are under apprehension about the extent of the role. Depending on the results of the meeting could affect the process.
AG: Discussion is about how the JAS elects the CMR. The real issue is whether the JAS group has the right to make the recoomendation. Recoomendations is all the working group can do.
EL: This is something that is a matter of implementation Staff has asked for members of the working group to help. I do not understand what the role of the GNSO is.
Avri: Understands that staff discussed the issue and wonders there is a position from a leadership positon of the ALAC and whether we can take that recommendation to the GNSO council.
EL: Is this an informal request? Or a formal request? If it is an informal request our discussion is moot.
Avri: Does not remember a formal request from staff.

Objections Process:
The ALAC votes on the big pulse, the ALAC recoomended select group members is one day away from closing.
HU: Over the weekend we noticed that the question was incorrect. OCL ensured that the questions were the correct questions.

AI: ?

HX: ICANN just announced the service provider for trademark clearing house. This is interesting because it is an upside down structure  because these institutions can only provide pheripheral services. And the core services will be provided by a sub-contractor. This is an inteesting structure. These two appointed a subcontractor.

AG: I assumed that Deloite imputed a bid, and that was what accepted. ALAC and At-Large were divided regarding vertical integration.

HX: Thre was an open bidding process open by ICANN. She was fllowing the whole process. The issue is why Delloite was selected.

Avri asked if volunteers for issues. No volunteers.
Applicant support.

Pending AIs not yet covered:

1.- Avri: Needs to add the references
2.- Ongoing
3.- Done
4.- Ongoing

AOB: None

No meetings between now and Prague.