ICANN Strategic Planning Call with ALAC 09.11.10

ICANN Strategic Planning Call with ALAC 09.11.10

ICANN Strategic Planning Call with ALAC held on 9 November 2010

Please note, the following text is based on staff notes made during the call. While comprehensive, they are not an official record.

Cheryl Landon-Orr (CLO): Our own implementation process tied into the ICANN Strat Plan, for a healthy internet ecosystem.  A lot of what we do is in this pillar.  ALAC to facilitate consumer membership in GNSO. Op in this pillar to have community working in a proactive rather than reactive way.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond (OCL): Wondering you’re planning to use the word “outreach” in this slide – focus more on outreach. Question:  What is excellent internet governance

Kurt Pritz (KP):  we talked a lot about that, how ICANN can best serve the goal of excellent internet governance.

OCL: Not only going after new participants but retain and use ALAC to facilitate larger participation.

CLO:  In the last 4-5 ICANN meetings, turning point was in Seoul.  GP grew out of strat plan calls, working with Theresa on strat planning calls.  A healthy Internet Ecosystem needs a healthy ICANN ecosystem.

Carlton Samuels (CS): agreement with requirement Healthy ICANN Ecosystem expanded:  1) ICANN must understand you are engaging people with no recognition that the input has been received, solicit help from other groups, and across working groups.

ALAC is concerned with workers on the fringes being recognized. 

CS: ALAC, we generate interest in policy question from French, response gets rolled up in an ALAC response.  People wait to hear what comes of their input, but are never acknowledged if input is received by board or incorporated.  Even an acknowledgment that it has been heard would be an improvement.  Total lack of response is more the norm than the exception.  This doesn’t encourage people to be involved in policy discussion.

CLO:  This is a matter that has been discussed in Accountability and Transparency Review, and it will be put into public comment period, and that is our inability to say to the internet society of Botswanaland, for them to dedicate a bunch of their time to say, the security and stability issue, as a public comment by ICANN.  If we’re able to say Dear Botswanaland:  your contribution on XYZ security not only directly contributes, but it forms part of a (operator interrupted when Sebastien dropped off)

…that it would carry more weight in the minds of the board members in their deliberations, from ALAC deliberation from their rank & file members EX: analysts 11,000 members polled, boiled down to part of an ALAC statement, representing an incredibly large proportionate view and, in my opinion, more meaningful than a whole bunch of petitions.  We don’t have the ability to say their input is being received and reviewed or why being involved is important.  We need to be able to say this is how your informed voice is being heard.

KP: I heard that and agree this should be incorporated into the plan, and in addition, how to have a discussion about complex issues, where there is nuance (new gTLD) (operator interruption)…

…out of those complex discussions.

Alan Greenberg (AG) – The message is that you better say it in short documents or it won’t be read, points get lost in longer documents. We have to have people start talking to each other rather than throwing documents over the wall (CLO: another radical view from At Large) at the times that there are conclusions there has got to be discussion, communicated back to the community.

Sebastien Bachollet (SB) : it’s about being able to carry the conversation and learn the issues really quickly.

Next Steps:

CLO: Consider a community call – not this, which is a call with people who have roles from an ALAC improvements/implementation POV, we all have to be interested into this topic, Utopia is to interact with the regions themselves, there needs to be a mechanism to ensure sufficient time for input, this is going to be important.  When trying to organize community calls, recognize the hemisphere issue and that North America will be inconvenienced.  We still get huge pushback out of things not being good for US time.

We must get information out to our constituents so we can get the info out and back in time. Theresa joined regional meetings and brought it back into the strat plan, also (??) community calls, not the only ways, look at the effective use of time.

KP:  We could give the group something to read before the call so there can be some targeted thought and get right down to the substance.

CLO: Most of us get fairly weary fairly quickly of presenters reading the material out on the call.  Everyone has sufficient time to digest ahead of time so we can focus on suggestions rather than introductions etc.  Heidi you or your staff would have had close feedback on that, where each representative would talk 15 minutes on regional calls,  Theresa said those discussions were useful to move it forward.   Maybe Kurt or David or Akram could come onto some of the calls.  Next step, leverage on a positive, having lead ICANN staff directly inserted into the regional meetings, with input to be collected and collated by ICANN staff instead of the regions typing up and putting in their comments.  Specific regional interests directly inserted in the strat plan process via calls.

Also you may have heard lack of trust that how much of that input made the cut into the strat plan.  I’m sure we can do better this time around. 

KP: Contrast between the positive & time it takes...   what translations need to be done?

CLO:  We use real time interpreters on these calls at all times. Puts about a ¼ of time into the call, all calls are done in tri-language mode.  We ensure we have real-time interpretation done, allows for MP3 and transcribe to be assessable faster.  Save time by doing it in real time.

KP: I’d be honored.  Heidi make sure the strategy plan discussion are included in Cartagena.

SB:  When will the next version of the Applicant Guidebook be published?

CLO: Not a topic of this call, Kurt, you don’t have to answer.