ATLAS II Recommendation 42
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
42 | ICANN should enable annual face-to-face RALO assemblies, either at ICANN regional offices or in concert with regional events. | ALAC; ICANN Board | TG5 |
Implementation Details
The At-Large Community has made ICANN recognizes the fundamental importance of the representation and participation of users in ICANN’s multistakeholder model. The At-Large Community has also made ICANN recognizes that the existing structures of the At-Large organization depend for their effectiveness on face-to-face meetings, and that based on past experience, the value resulting from such face-to-face meetings has received broad consensus from the community.
In April 2016, the ALAC submitted to the ICANN Board and ICANN Finance department the Proposal for Multi-Year Planning of At-Large RALO Face-to-Face Meetings. In the Proposal, the ALAC recommends ICANN to integrate a five-year cycle of Regional At-Large Organization General Assemblies and At-Large Summits into ICANN’s Five-Year Operating Plan, relieving the burden from At-Large of making special budget requests every year for these face-to-face meetings. This will improve the predictability of activities and costs for the ICANN organization and allow better planning and increased efficiency in the organization of such meetings.
In June 2016, ICANN Finance department has adopted the recommendation in the Proposal. In addition, the existing special budget requests for FY17 related to the General Assemblies of NARALO and AFRALO, which will be held in concert with regional events, have been approved.
Next Step
The ALAC Chair, ALAC Subcommittee on Finance and Budget, and the At-Large Selected ICANN Board Director will maintain a watching brief on the integration of At-Large multiyear schedule of General Assemblies and Summits into ICANN’s Five-Year Operating Plan.
- ALAC to give the Board a heads-up and push the Board to agree with the AFRALO and EURALO GA this year
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- Olivier Crepin-Leblond to develop a timeline for the General Assemblies (how many GAs per year and where the GAs should take place) and ATLAS III prior to ICANN 54. This timeline, once approved by the ALAC and the Finance & Budget SC, should be shared with Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Steve Crocker, and Board Finance Committee and also be discussed with the Board in Dublin.
- Olivier Crepin-Leblond to develop a timeline for the General Assemblies (how many GAs per year and where the GAs should take place) and ATLAS III prior to ICANN 54. This timeline, once approved by the ALAC and the Finance & Budget SC, should be shared with Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Steve Crocker, and Board Finance Committee and also be discussed with the Board in Dublin.
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- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to provide Olivier Crepin-Leblond the dates and details of the 2 APRALO GA in the 'prehistorical' days in At-Large (prior to Mexico)
- Olivier Crepin-Leblond to send the spreadsheet to the ALAC Finance & Budget Sub-Committee and the ALAC to review before passing on to the ICANN Board
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- Olivier Crepin-Leblond to include a preamble recognizing that there are other meetings/gatherings of ALSes facilitated/funded by ICANN before or up until when RALOs formally signed the MoU with ICANN (prior to ICANN 34 Mexico); these meetings/gatherings include 1-2 APRALO meetings
- Olivier Crepin-Leblond to give a heads up to Rinalia Abdul Rahim on Sunday before approaching the Board Finance Committee re GA matters. Olivier Crepin-Leblond to send the spreadsheet to Rinalia Abdul Rahim and Cherine Chalaby to start the discussion well before the Board meeting.
- Staff to note the LACRALO meeting in Puerto Rico in 2007 on the RALO General Assemblies page.
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- AFRALO, EURALO, and NARALO made the special FY16 budget request to host General Assemblies, only EURALO's request has been approved for FY16. AFRALO's request has been declined because of a high level meeting for Ministers as well as the Next-Gen program that will take place in Marrakech (the number of grants needed are increased as a result). However, AFRALO and NARALO will be given priority to host GA in FY17.
- ALAC/At-Large shall continue pushing for more RALO GAs and remind ICANN Finance Dept and the Board Finance & Budget Committee on the rotation of RALO General Assemblies; Rinalia Abdul Rahim has been pushing for more RALO GAs. Especially in light of the new meeting strategy, the ALAC shall come up with proposals that clearly indicate how many GAs should be held and where to host the GAs in the next three years at least, otherwise we may end up with one GA per year, which is unacceptable.
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- At-Large Funding Roadmap v2.xls
- Olivier Crepin-Leblond thinks that it is unlikely to hold GA or ATLAS during a B Meeting; Sebastien Bachollet suggests to still keep B Meeting as an option and task ICANN Staff to find out whether it is feasible to have a facility with enough space to hold a GA or ATLAS III.
- In 'prehistorical' days, APRALO benefited from ICANN funding and held its first GA during an APNIC (?) meeting in Indonesia (?); it was the founding meeting for APRALO. There was another a small meeting of the APRALO Leadership Team funded by ICANN; that meeting was held in Hong Kong outside ICANN meeting but during a technical meeting dominated by industry players.
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- RALO GAs: RALO General Assemblies
- This recommendation needs to be clarified, as it can be interpreted as At-Large wants to hold general assembly for each RALO every year (i.e. 5 GA / year).
- Should we add 'on a rotating, multi-year basis' at the end of the sentence to clarify?
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- The idea is to present a proposal of RALO General Assemblies and At-Large Summits with geographic rotation. However, there has been different understanding with regard to the frequency of GAs and At-Large Summits, as there is concerns with regard to time for preparation, logistics, and costs.
- The idea is to remove the special budget request for general assemblies and incorporate the GAs in ICANN's FY budget. The limitation of ad-hoc request is that the number of GAs won't be consistent through years (e.g. FY16 only has 1 GA approved). However, we cannot be overly ambitious to organize too many GAs (e.g. 3 GAs in one FY) due to limitation from Staff resources.
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- (secretariat meeting - ICANN55):
- Recommendation will be put on hold until At-Large receives a green light for having the multi-year budget
- The Proposal for Multi-Year Planning of At-Large RALO Face-to-Face Meetings has been submitted to the public comment on the Draft ICANN FY17 Operating Plan & Budget and Five-Year Operating Plan Update. ICANN Finance is reviewing the Proposal.
- The Proposal for Multi-Year Planning of At-Large RALO Face-to-Face Meetings has been submitted to the public comment on the Draft ICANN FY17 Operating Plan & Budget and Five-Year Operating Plan Update. ICANN Finance is reviewing the Proposal.
- Once the Proposal for Multi-Year Planning of At-Large RALO Face-to-Face Meetings is approved by the ICANN Board this recommendation can be marked completed. Board decision will be made in June 2016.
- If the Proposal is approved, there will be no need for RALOs to submit special budget requests for GAs; exception is FY16/17.