ATLAS II Recommendation 24
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
24 | Both the areas of the Ombudsman and Contractual Compliance should report regularly on the complaints they received, resolved, pending resolution and actions taken to address issues raised by unresolved complaints. | Contractual Compliance, ICANN Board, Chris LaHatte | TG4 |
Implementation Details
The At-Large Community is keen on holding ICANN’s Contractual Compliance department accountable by pushing for greater transparency and openness in reporting its activities. At-Large held many constructive discussions with Senior Staff from the department during ICANN meetings and teleconferences on those issues. These efforts have resulted in the department’s significant improvements in providing clear and consistent communication on its activities. Its revamped section on not only includes clear messaging, infographics, and videos that explain what they do and how to make complaints. It also publishes and regularly updates annual, quarterly, monthly, and audit reports, as well as detailed metrics on compliance and enforcement for a rolling 13 month period.
Due to the sensitive nature of the complaints that the ICANN Ombudsman receives and the legal limits on what can be reported on, the At-Large Community is satisfied with the current level of communications from the Ombudsman about his activities to the general public. Nevertheless, At-Large members took the initiative to contact former Ombudsman Chris LaHatte and ICANN’s Digital Engagement team, and offered a number of suggestions to improve the Ombudsman’s blog and social media channels. ICANN recently revamped the Ombudsman’s microsite, incorporating clear messaging on the role of Ombudsman (e.g. infographic of the ICANN Expected Stands of Behavior) and simple instruction on how to make complaints. The newly appointed Ombudsman Herb Waye has also maintained an active presence on Twitter and Facebook, making himself accessible to the ICANN community.
In addition, At-Large members have been actively leading and/or participating in the CCWG-Accountability WS2 Ombudsman SubGroup. Recommendations proposed by the SubGroup would enhance the scope and nature of the ICANN Ombudsman’s role, and may impact the mechanism for the Ombudsman to report on complaints.
Next Step
The At-Large Community will maintain a watching brief on Contractual Compliance performance metrics and reports, as well as the communication channels of the Ombudsman, ensuring the ongoing nature and the continuous improvements of these types of reporting for transparency purposes.
- If the reports done by Contractual Compliance are open to public, we will consider tweeting/posting them
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- ALAC is satisfied with the progress made by Ombudsman in reporting their work
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- Due to the confidentiality of his office, it is sensitive to post 'unresolved complaints'. There is limitation in what SMWG can do. Nonetheless, At-Large can interact with his social media content to promote his work.
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- - work of contractual compliance
In interview with Chris LaHatte on the Atlas ll recommendation Item 23 & 24
One Blog- Word Press
- Change the Wordpress ( Blog) template to use proper widgets to integrate TWITTER, FACEBOOK FLICKR and other feeds to the site
- Provide public user feedback
- Needs less text and more pictures and videos
- Need update on actual functions of the office
Item Two Twitter