ATLAS II Recommendation 23

ATLAS II Recommendation 23

 No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesStatus
23The roles and jurisdiction of the Ombudsman should be expanded. The ICANN website should provide a clear and simple way for the public to make complaints.Contractual Compliance, ICANN Board, Chris LaHatteTG4
  • IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability
  • Social Media 



Implementation Details 

The enhancements to ICANN Ombudsman’s role and function have been the subject of significant discussion throughout enhancing ICANN accountability process. It is currently being examined in the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 within a SubGroup. At-large Members have not only actively participated in the SubGroup, some has also assumed the Rapporteur position in leading the work and shepherding the processes.

Once the community’s recommendations on an updated scope and nature of the ICANN Ombudsman’s role have been issued and considered by the Board, ICANN will put out a Call for Expressions of Interest, and conduct a global search for the next Ombudsman. Pending the conclusion of the community work, Herb Waye has assumed the role of Ombudsman starting on 28 July 2016.

Furthermore, At-Large Community members took the initiative to contact former Ombudsman Chris LaHatte and ICANN’s Digital Engagement team, and offered a number of suggestions to improve Ombudsman’s blog and social media channels. ICANN recently revamped the Ombudsman’s microsite, incorporating clear messaging on the role of Ombudsman (e.g. infographic of the ICANN Expected Stands of Behavior) and simple instruction on how to make complaints. Herb Waye has also maintained an active presence on Twitter and Facebook, making himself accessible to the ICANN community.

Next Step 

At-Large will continue engaging in the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 to help shape the roles and jurisdiction of the Ombudsman. Seasoned At-Large leaders will encourage more At-Large members to participate proactively and make greater influence.



  • Future Challenges WG to follow up on the expansion of the roles and jurisdiction of the Ombudsman
  • Social Media WG to provide recommendations for community members to easily make complaints to the Ombudsman via the At-Large website
  • Glenn McKnight and Murray McKercher to look at the Ombudsman's social media channels, critique whether they have been used effectively, and provide suggestions 
  • Holly Raiche to explain that this means: The roles and jurisdiction of the Ombudsman should be expanded


    • This rec can link to the work in CCWG-Accountability WS2, which may touch on the roles and jurisdiction of the Ombudsman 

    • The function of ombudsman will be fully reviewed in WS2 

    • We encourage At-Large members to participate in WS2

Input from Social Media Working Group: 

  • Need to promote and interact with Ombudsman's website and social media channels
  • Possibly tweet / post the public-facing report that Ombudsman developed after each ICANN meeting

    • SMWG to monitor the Ombudsman's social media channels and interact with his content 

In interview with Chris LaHatte on the Atlas ll recommendation Item 23 & 24 

Both the areas of the Ombudsman and Contractual Compliance should report regularly on the complaints they received, resolved, pending resolution and actions taken to address issues raised by unresolved complaints
In interview with Chris LaHatte on the Atlas ll recommendation
In  conversation with Chris  he  reiterated that due to the confidentiality of his office its very problematic to report on statistics and details on complaints since the privacy issues is paramount. His normally reporting is to the board and the issue of providing the community with statistics on number of filings, number of resolutions and more needs clarification.
Item One  Blog
As to Ombudsman's  social  media  sties. ie.  blog, Facebook and Twitter  feed  
One  Blog- Word Press omblog.icann.org‏ 
The blog is once a month posting 
25 posts
Missing analytic of volume of traffic and where the visitors are coming
Lack of  value added content or  relevance
  • Change the Wordpress  ( Blog)  template to use  proper  widgets to integrate  TWITTER, FACEBOOK  FLICKR and other feeds to the site
  • Provide  public user feedback
  • Needs less text and more pictures and videos
  • Need update on actual functions of the office
  • FAQ

Item Two Twitter



Followers   310
Tweets  512 
Retweets  unknown  and need to know
Integration of Twitter to automatically go  to blog and Facebook 
I think some of the content  is  restricted due to privacy but perhaps graphical  presentation of  resolutions  would  help people understand the role of the office.  
He will be meeting with Laura B of ICANN on revamping his Blog and he to share our recommendations into the integration
Glenn McKnight