ATLAS II Recommendation 10

ATLAS II Recommendation 10

 No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesStatus

The next evolution of language services must adopt further extension of live scribing for all meetings and generally extend the current interpretation and translation processes and make translation available in a timely manner.

ICANN Staff (language service)TG2
  • Accessibility
  • Technology Taskforce



Implementation Details 

Having made ICANN realizes the fundamental importance of inclusion and diversity, the At-Large Community has played a key role in accelerating the evolution of ICANN’s Language Services.

At-Large has researched and tested various captioning and translation tools, and this effort has resulted in the successful implementation of live captioning services during its teleconferences in FY16. This service will be extended in FY17. Collaborating with the Language Services team, At-Large is also exemplary in offering a wide array of interpretation options during its teleconferences and publishing translations of policy advice statements. Enjoying the growing demand of its services and the increased resources and budget allocation, the Language Services team have been strengthened in recent years. As a result, there has been a much faster turnaround for its translation and transcription deliverables.

The aforementioned efforts have facilitated the participation for non-English speakers and people with disability and special needs in ICANN activities.

Next Step

At-Large would like to see ICANN’s Language Service team continues growing strengthen and improving the quality and efficiency of its services. Specifically, At-Large will request ICANN to provide captioning services to more teleconferences and face-to-face meetings.


    • ATLAS II IT to identify the recommendations that require ongoing efforts (i.e. the recommendations that cannot have the 'completed' status, per se) and single them out in a separate category 


Input from Technology Taskforce: 

Evaluated Caption First which offers an Adobe Connect plugin for live scribing on the Joint Accessibility WG/ Technology Taskforce meeting 2014-09-08. See ATLAS II Recommendation 11 for screenshots and overview.

  • ICANN Language Services provides interpretation for:
    • At-Large F2F meetings in English, Spanish and French
    • English, Spanish, French and Russian for ALAC monthly conference calls.
    • English, Spanish, French and Portuguese for LACRALO monthly calls
    • English, French for AFRALO calls.
    • English, French for NARALO calls. 
    • English, Chinese for APRALO calls. 
  • For At-Large WGs, interpretation is provided on request from more than 3 persons attending a call.
  • ICANN Language Services transcribes audio recordings of ALAC/At-Large meetings and provides a transcript in less than a week which At-Large staff posts on the meeting's wiki page.
    • Captioning pilot project has been ongoing, providing services in calls in FY16 and will continue in FY17 
    • The turnaround of translation deliverables from language service has been very fast 
    • RALO calls provide interpretations (e.g. LACRALO call has FR, ES, and PT; APRALO has ZH; AFRALO has FR) 
    • Providing language capability has become a core in ICANN engagement and reflected in the budget allocation 

Input from Accessibility: 

    • There has been serious efforts across ICANN to improve accessibly
    • It is not At-Large's call to complete this recommendation; the completion of this recommendation depends on ICANN Staff's efforts in following this recommendation in improving accessibility  
    • There has been a short-term pilot program for captioning/live transcribing. It is part of the ICANN wide cross community activity (not a CCWG) and has its workspace to provide updates: Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Home. The At-Large Captioning Pilot Project has been working with ICANN IT and language services to implement this pilot program; the completion of this program also largely depends on ICANN Staff's efforts. If this pilot succeeds, captioning and live transcribing shall be provided in ICANN on an ongoing basis. There are many items to be done for this program and the work is far from completion. More information about the project: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UgbvBQ 
    • Some of the ATLAS II recommendations require ongoing efforts (cannot have the 'completed' status, per se) and should be singled out in a separate category