ATLAS II Recommendation 15

ATLAS II Recommendation 15

No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesStatus
15ICANN should examine the possibility of modifying its legal structure befitting a truly global organization, and examine appropriate legal and organizational solutions.ICANN BoardTG2
  • IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability



Implementation Details

Jurisdiction is one of the most significant topics in the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2. At-large members have been actively contributing to the work of the Jurisdiction SubGroup. The primary jurisdiction issue being investigated is the process for the settlement of disputes within ICANN, involving the choice of jurisdiction and of the applicable laws, but not necessarily the location where ICANN is incorporated.

Next Step

At-Large will continue engaging in the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 Jurisdiction SubGroup. Seasoned At-Large leaders will encourage more At-Large members to participate proactively and make greater influence.



    • Part of the CCWG Accountability's work (e.g. proposal of the single membership model) deals with the legal structure; 
    • Some areas of the legal discussions (e.g. whether the ICANN headquarter should be within the US) will not take place until Work Stream 2 or even later. 

    • Most of the CCWG Accountability's work is addressing organizational solution
    • It seems that this topic (i.e. jurisdiction issues) will be addressed in WS2 
    • Jurisdiction issue is one of the most significant topics in CCWG-Accountability WS2

    • At-Large members should be encouraged to participate in WS2