ATLAS II Recommendation 25

ATLAS II Recommendation 25

 No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesStatus
25To enhance ICANN's community effort on building a culture of Transparency and Accountability, as called for in the recommendations of ATRT2, oversight of the Board's decisions now requires an effective mechanism of checks and balances, capable of providing true multi-stakeholder oversight and effective remedies.ICANN Board; ICANN SO and AcsTG4
  • IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability



Implementation Details 

At-Large Community members actively contributed to and effectively influenced the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 1, which produced a set of enhancements to ICANN's accountability mechanisms that must be in place within the time frame of the IANA stewardship transition. Establishing an Empowered Community (EC), which would make the ICANN Board more accountable, is one of the final recommendations. Specifically, the EC will have the ability to 1) appoint and remove Board members and to recall the entire ICANN Board, 2) exercise oversight with respect to key ICANN Board decisions, and 3) approve amendments to ICANN’s “fundamental bylaws”. These mechanisms of checks and balances would provide a true multi-stakeholder oversight within ICANN. The Work Stream 1 proposal has been approved by the ICANN community and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). The implementation of the recommendations is underway, and the ALAC is formal participant in the EC.

Next Step 

The ALAC, in consultation with the broader At-Large Community, will fully exercise its rights and powers within EC to hold ICANN Board accountable and build a culture of transparency and accountability in ICANN.



  • Part of the Accountability Process

    • It seems to be addressed in WS1 already 
    • The completion of this recommendation is pending the outcome of WS1

    • This issue will be discussed in the LA F2F meeting of the CCWG-Accountability 
  • :
    • WS1 Proposal has been ratified by the Board and passed to the NTIA for review, pending response from the Congress

    • At-Large community should fully take part and exercise their rights in the Empowered Community (EC) model