ATLAS II Recommendation 39
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
39 | ICANN should encourage “open data” best practices that foster re-use of the information by any third party. | ICANN Staff | TG5 |
Implementation Details
Among ICANN Staff, there is a growing recognition that open data is important part of transparency and as an organization, ICANN is behoved to move in that direction. There are two work efforts, not mutually exclusive, on open data. The first effort is led by David Conrad, the Chief Technology Officer, to examine DNS data available for public sharing. This would include data from the Registry Service Level Monitoring system, as well as authoritative machine readable gTLD lists from IANA. The second effort is led by Ashwin Rangan, the Chief Information Officer, to examine the ICANN operational data available for public sharing. This would include Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), as well as IT server up time data. Both efforts are in their infancy at the moment.
The At-Large Community has been a strong advocate for implementing “open data” standards in ICANN. The At-Large Technology Taskforce has identified several resources and shared them with ICANN Staff.
Next Step
The At-Large Community will maintain a watching brief on the two aforementioned efforts on open data. The At-Large Technology Taskforce will invite ICANN Staff in charge to regularly report on their progress to At-Large.
Action Items:
- Ariel Liang to follow up with Chris Gift on this recommendation
Input from Chris Gift on :
- There are two work efforts, not mutually exclusive, working on open data.
- The first is an effort by David Conrad to examine what DNS data we have available for public sharing. This would include data from our Registry Service Level Monitoring system (our DNS-wide SLA monitoring) as well as authoritative machine readable gTLD lists (from IANA).
- The second effort is led by Ashwin Rangan, who’s looking at operational data that can be shared. This would included KPI, but also IT server up time data (that is safe to share).
- Both efforts are in their infancy and no dates or status are ready to share yet. However, there is a growing recognition that Open Data is an important part of transparency and as an organization we think it behoves us to move in that direction
Input from Technology Taskforce:
- A significant amount of information produced by ICANN and At-Large over the years is already public however, its not stored in an organised way, (wikis, websites) making information hard to locate and to re-use.
- The TTF is reviewing how best to implement open data standards. Some of the resources on Open Data include:
- The Open Data Handbook
- Open Data Guide (
- Open Data Foundation (
- Older Notes:
- To the extent that ICANN has data sets that do not contain personal identifying information these should be open and we can work with those groups to advise them on best practices. Most examples focus on Open Government and much of the data of businesses and non profits are not Open or accessible. Research on similar examples did to be done so we can assess whether ICANN is typical or laggards to the access to information
- Abide to the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act
- Resource