ATLAS II Recommendation 43

ATLAS II Recommendation 43

 No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesStatus
43RALOs  should  encourage  their  inactive  ALS  representatives  to  comply  with  ALAC  minimum participation requirements.ALAC; RALOsTG5



Implementation Details

The North American Regional At-Large Organization and the Asian, Australasian, and the Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization have made great efforts in contacting inactive At-Large Structures to inform them the minimal participation criteria and encourage them to re-engage with the Community. As a result, some inactive At-Large Structures were decertified and some decided to re-engage.

The African Regional At-Large Organization, the European Regional At-Large Organization, and the Latin American and the Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization are in process redrafting their rules of procedure and clarifying participation metrics before reaching out to At-Large Structures.

As an overarching effort, the At-Large ALS Criteria and Expectations Taskforce has been evaluating the minimal participation requirements across the five regions. Regional At-Large Organization leaders are active in this Taskforce. 

In addition, the independent examiner of the current At-Large Review will be reaching out to At-Large Structures, gathering their participation information and perception of the At-Large Community and evaluating their engagement level.

Next Step

In coordination with Regional At-Large Organizations and referencing the At-Large Review findings, the At-Large ALS Criteria and Expectation Taskforce will maintain a watching brief on At-Large Structures’ compliance with minimal participation criteria and provide a set of recommendations that harmonize the mechanism among Regional At-Large Organizations to engage At-Large Structures. 



    • NARALO is working on this Rec. NARALO did a survey with regard to ALS engagement, and NARALO leaders have reached out to ALSes to personally encourage their participation. 
    • RALO calls that conflict with regular work time of members is one of the factors of the lack of engagement. NARALO is in process reviewing timezone rotation options for its calls. 
    • The time conflict with work issue does not seem to apply to LACRALO. 
    • Voting is less a problem, but active participation is an issue. 
    • Since  November  we have  been  calling and emailing all the  NARALO ALS to participate 
    • Seven ALS  decided to become decertified
    • Planning to have interactive webinars for the NARALO webinar 
  •  (secretariat meeting) 
    • Inactive ALSes will likely be decertified in an automatic process 
    • In 2014, EURALO had to decertify 4 ALSes, meanwhile there are 3 candidates in the list and will likely be decertified in 2016 
    • NARALO is about to decertify 4 ALSes (they have explicitly stated that they'd like to be decertified); the other inactive ones have not yet responded 
  •  (secretariat meeting) 
    • The ALS Criteria and Expectations Taskforce will be reviewing those minimal participation requirements. The upcoming At-Large Review will also visit this issue and identify problems. 
  •  (secretariat meeting - ICANN55) 
    • The At-Large ALS Criteria and Expectations Taskforce has been looking into this issue 
    • NARALO leadership (Judith Hellerstein and Glenn McKnight) have been working diligently to engage their inactive ALSes through calls and emails, finding out who they are and what their interests are, and steering them in a direction of a Working Group. Their conversations are beyond the minimum participation requirements, which only concern with voting and attendance at the moment. The result has been positive, with 14 or 15 people on average per monthly NARALO call. 
    • Some ALSes that have not participated in any calls over the last year said they are no longer interested and asked for decertification. 7 NARALO ALSes are in the to-be-decertified list. Some other inactive ALSes would like to continue engaging in At-Large but do not really understand ways to get involved. NARALO Leadership is work with Silvia Vivanco to create special webinars to explain the process to these. 
    • One discovery of this process is that the contact person of an ALS has changed and the new one doesn’t get the information on how to engage, so they’re just like a new ALS. 
    • NARALO is also setting some minimum standards of participation. 
    • Timezone issue is a challenge for participation. 
    • If NARALO has reached out to ALSes and is able to actually bring some good results on this, it could be something other RALOs can do. But in some regions, high cost related to calls may be a barrier. RALO leaderships may need to get some funding for this, or advanced tools that can initiate 'dial-out' to reach ALSes. 
    • RALO has its own Adobe Connect room to make calls.

    • APRALO collected the particiaption metrics for the last two years in monthly meetings, APAC Hub-APRALO joint webinars, working group calls, and so on. APRALO leadership also sent private messages to 8-9 ALSes to ask whether they are still interested in continuing their engagement. Those ALSes will be given a couple of months to respond and come back to participate. Final notification of decertification will be sent to the ALSes that do not respond or are no longer desired to be in At-Large. 
    • NARALO has been working on the decertification of ALSes and analyzing participation metrics with regard to monthly meetings and other platforms in At-Large. Many ALSes that NARALO leadership reached out to expressed their desire to discontinue their engagement in At-Large. There are some issues with regard to Rules of Procedure, as meeting participation is not really a requirement in NARALO RoP. 
    • AFRALO created a working group 2 years ago with 8 ALSes participating, and they are mandated to work on RoPs (e.g. decertification, accreditation). One of the tasks is to analyze participation metrics, but the work progress is stalled due to the IANA transition. Nevertheless, 3 quarters of the AFRALO ALSes participated in the last meeting. One particular issue about AFRALO is that some countries have many ALSes and are over-represented; some countries have no ALSes. To strike a balance of ALS representation is a goal. Rules of Procedure are a topic for the AFRALO to work on, as the unbalanced representation of ALSes may impact vote outcome. 
    • EURALO is in at an early stage of redrafting/refining the EURALO Charter. EURALO held a F2F GA in ICANN53 and mobilized members to participate; these meetings are good opportunities to update contact points. Two ALSes did not respond or participate and are subject to potential decertification. EURALO has also established a taskforce on ALS engagement and its work will start soon. 