At-Large Policy Roundtable - 2014-10-15 - Los Angeles
At-Large Policy Roundtable - 2014-10-15 - Los Angeles
At-Large Policy Roundtable - Los Angeles
Date: Wednesday,15 October 2014
Time: 10:00-11:30 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)
Room: Olympic
Meeting Number: AL.RL/WS.1014/1
How do I participate in this meeting?
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/lax51-olympic/
Action Items: EN
Summary Minutes: EN
Recordings and Transcriptions in all languages are available at: http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule/wed-atlarge-policy
AC Chat Transcript: EN
Remote Participation:
Lead: HU
Notes: SV
Panel 1 - Privacy and Proxy
Moderator: Holly Raiche
Speakers: Kathy Kleiman, James Bladel, Graeme Bunton (TBC), Steve Metalitz (TBC), Stephanie Perrin
- Background
- the Whois Review Team Final Report - conclusions and recommendations
- the 2013 RAA and Specification and Privacy and Proxy Registrations
- Formation of the Working Group
- Charter questions (summarised)
- Tentative Conclusions Reached by the WG and Summary of WG meeting on 10 October
- Outstanding Issues
- Discussion
Panel 2 - Alternate and Innovative DNS
Moderator: Evan Leibovitch
- Introduction/overview (TBC) - 5min
- To DNS or not to DNS?
- What is the policy?
- News on Tor, BitCoin, etc.
- Frogans: New gTLD wiht different approach (Tom Mackenzie - OP3FT) - 15min
- Frogans technology Presentation
- Second-level Domains (Ken Hansen - co.com) - 10min
- What do they offer the consumer?
- How are abuses and disputes addressed?
- Discussion (All) - 15min